1012 S.M. Hayden
Multi-Magnon Excitations
A Heisenberg ferromagnet has two interesting prop-
erties not shared by the Heisenberg antiferromagnet.
The fully aligned ferromagnetic state is the ground
state (and an eigenstate) of the Hamiltonian. In ad-
dition, spin wave states are also eigenstates of the
Hamiltonian. In contrast,the Neel state (in which the
moments on each site do not fluctuate with time) is
not the ground state an antiferromagnetic Heisen-
berg Hamiltonian. For small S, quantum fluctua-
tions [88] become important. Quantum fluctuations
lead to a number of effects: (i) a reduction of the
ordered moment; (ii) renormalisation of the spin-
wave energies and intensities; (iii) the existence of
multi-magnon excitations. Thus, in addition to the
single-magnon modes, two-magnon excitations give
rise to a continuum, as a function of energy, in the
longitudinal response
(q, !), and three-magnon
excitations results in side bands (to the one-magnon
excitations) in the transverse response
(q, !).Fig-
ure 18.22 shows a calculation of the two-magnon re-
sponse for a 2D S =
square lattice antiferromag-
net [104,105].
Quantum effects lead to the renormalisation of
the (one-magnon) spin-wave dispersion, the perpen-
dicular susceptibility,the spin-stiffness constant,and
the sub-lattice magnetization with respect to clas-
sical (large-S) spin-wave theory. These renormalisa-
tion factors havebeen estimatedby a number of tech-
Fig. 18.22. Two-magnon excitations in a S =
square lat-
tice antiferromagnet. Calculation details are given in [104]
and [105]
niques. For the purpose of comparing theory and ex-
periment in the present review,we include the renor-
malisation of the overall energy scale in the exchange
constant, J
= Z
J,whereJ is the “bare” exchange
constant occurring in Eq. 18.16. We have previously
defined the renormalisation of the amplitude of the
magnetic response in Eq.18.17.We note that,in prin-
ciple, these factors are energy dependent. The value
of Z
(!) can be obtained from neutron scattering,
if measurements are placed on an absolute intensity
scale. However, Z
cannot be measured directly from
inelastic neutron scattering and must be estimated
from theory. In the case of the S =
antiferromagnet, Singh [88] has estimated Z
and Z
(! = 0)=0.61.
The 2D S =
Antiferromagnet at Finite Temperatures
Since the 1950s, it has been widely believed that the
2D S =
square-lattice antiferromagnet has long
range order only at T = 0.Anderson [85],argued that
eventhrough the staggered magnetization may be re-
duced, the N´eel state is still stable against quantum
fluctuations at T = 0. Anderson’s assertion means
that this model system is an example of a “quantum
critical”phase transition i.e.one which occurs at zero
temperature and is therefore dominated by quantum,
ratherthan classical,fluctuationsin theorder param-
eter. It was not surprising that the discovery of the
antiferromagnetism in La
and related com-
pounds rejuvenated theoretical [93,106–108] and ex-
perimental [89] interest in this problem. The liter-
ature devoted to the S =
square-lattice antifer-
romagnet is now vast, indeed there are several re-
views [107] on this subject.
One of the novel features of low dimensional an-
tiferromagnets,in particular 2D antiferromagnets,is
the strong build up of “critical” magnetic fluctua-
tions at temperatures considerably above the order-
ing temperature. This behaviour is not at all con-
fined to S =
(see, for example, the review by De
Jongh and Miedema [109]). Figure 18.23 illustrates
the magnetic excitation spectrum for a 2D S =
antiferromagnet at finite temperature. For small fre-
quencies and wavevectors, propagating excitations
are believed not to exist, instead the response is