8.1 Stellar Structure 359
L ∼ α
. (8.26)
For the Sun, this gives L ∼ 10
W compared of the observed luminosity
=3.8× 10
W. Given the many approximations made in this estimation,
it is satisfying that we find a number of the correct order of magnitude.
Note that if the effective photon cross-section σ werethesameinall
stars, the luminosity (8.26) would simply be proportional to N
, i.e. to the
third power of the stars mass. This is in fact observed to be a good approx-
imation for hydrogen-burning stars. Note also that if the effective photon
cross-section were temperature independent so that it remained unchanged
as the star contracts, the star’s luminosity would not change as the star
evolves through contraction and nuclear-burning stages. This is nearly true
for very heavy stars where the medium is mostly ionized with σ∼σ
idealized evolution is illustrated in Fig. 8.3 where the luminosity is indepen-
dent of time.
The total time a star spends in a particular stage of its evolution is given
by T =
L/∆E where
L and ∆E are the mean luminosity and available energy
during the phase. The Sun is in its hydrogen burning phase which liberates
∼ 6 MeV per proton. Since there is no convective mixing in the inner parts of
the Sun, only the inner 10% of the hydrogen will actually be burned. Using
the present luminosity, this gives a total hydrogen-burning time of ∼ 10
The Sun’s present age is ∼ 4.5 × 10
yr so the Sun is a middle-aged star.
The time the Sun required to contract to its present radius before burning
hydrogen can by calculated by using ∆E =(3/5)GM
. Assuming
that the solar luminosity was the same during the contraction phase as in
the hydrogen-burning phase, this gives a contraction time of ∼ 10
yr. In
the nineteenth century before nuclear energy was discovered, this was the
estimated total age of the Sun, in clear conflict with the age of the Earth
estimated by geologists.
Coming back to the photon–baryon ratio in a star, the fact that it is
greater than unity for M>30M
means that the pressure due to photons
is greater than that due to massive particles. This is in inherently dangerous
situation because it makes the condition (8.10) difficult to maintain because
photons dominate the left-hand side whereas only particles contribute to the
right-hand side. Detailed calculations indicate that stars greater than about
are unstable and generally evaporate particles until their mass reaches
this value.
8.1.2 Degenerate stars
We have seen that a collection of particles must radiate photons and con-
tract, with the contraction pausing whenever nuclear reactions are ignited to
provide the photon luminosity. This process must stop when the collection
reaches its quantum-mechanical “ground state.”