6.9 The Oklo prehistoric nuclear reactor 323
In 100 kg of initial fuel, i.e. 3 kg of
U and 97 kg of
U, there remains,
after three years of running:
• 0.9kg of
U (2 kg have fissioned)
• 97 kg of
U (2 kg have been transformed into
• 0.6kg of
Pu (in the above 2 kg, 1 kg fissioned)
• 1.7 kg of fission products.
It is necessary to renew the fuel elements periodically. The reactor is
stopped each year for 3 or 4 weeks. One third or one quarter of the fuel is
The fuel re-processing . The re-processing consists of separating, in the
irradiated fuel, the uranium and the plutonium (which can be used again)
from the fission products (which are essentially useless and are very radioac-
tive, as shown in Fig. 6.15). The separation is basically a chemical process,
using various solvents.
The storage of fission products. The volume of liquid containing the fis-
sion products generated in one year by a 900 MW reactor is roughly 20 m
The liquid is first stored in special vessels refrigerated by water in order to
evacuate the residual heat. After a few years, it is possible to evaporate the
solvents and to vitrify the waste. The vitrified blocks can be stored under-
ground in ventilated areas.
After several years, the problem of long term storage of the radioactive
vitrified waste arises. Several methods are envisaged, in particular deep un-
derground storage in salt or granite.
Accelerators coupled to fissile matter could have an interesting application
in that they can be designed to destroy long lifetime radioactive waste. Un-
der neutron irradiation, plutonium, trans-plutonium elements such as Ameri-
cium and Curium, and other dangerous long-lived fission products such as
Technetium can absorb neutrons and either be transformed to short-lived or
stable isotopes or fission into lighter elements. (as a general rule, the lighter
the elements, the less dangerous they are).
6.9 The Oklo prehistoric nuclear reactor
It is interesting to note that if civilization had taken 2.5 billion years to de-
velop on Earth rather than 4.5 billion years, the use of nuclear reactors would
have been much simpler because at that time the abundance of
ficiently high that enrichment would have been unnecessary. In fact, on at
least one occasion, the necessary conditions for stable reactor operation were
united apparently without intelligent intervention. These conditions include
a sufficiently high concentration of uranium (> 10% by weight), a sufficiently
low concentration of nuclei with high neutron-absorption cross-sections, and
sufficient water (> 50% by weight) to serve as the moderator.