308 6. Fission
, necessarily γ>0, this corresponds to a supercritical regime,
the system diverges and explodes;
, necessarily γ<0, this corresponds to a sub-critical regime;the
leaks (finite medium) are not compensated and the chain reaction cannot
take place. The neutron density decreases exponentially in time.
The calculation leading to the plutonium critical mass is oversimplified.
The actual values for critical masses of spheres of pure metals are M
Pu and M
U. These values can be reduced if the
material is surrounded by a non-fissile medium consisting of heavy nuclei
so that neutrons have a high probability of scattering back into the fissile
6.8 Nuclear reactors
Fission was discovered in 1939 when Hahn and Strassman discovered the
presence of rare-earth elements in uranium after irradiation by neutrons.
L. Meitner and O. Frisch then interpreted this production as being due to
neutron-induced fission of uranium. This discovery was followed rapidly by
applications since, on December 2 1942, Enrico Fermi at the University of
Chicago produced a chain reaction in a system consisting in a periodic stack
of natural uranium spheres separated by graphite moderators. Fermi thus
demonstrated experimentally the notion of criticality of the size of the stack
in order to ensure a chain reaction. This was achieved with a very small
total power of the system, ∼ 1 W. Present power reactors attain powers of
∼ 3 GW. The increase in power does not present by any means the same
complication as in fusion, as we shall see in the next chapter. Indeed, in the
fission process all phenomena are more or less linear, in (great) contrast with
controlled fusion systems.
A fission reactor core consists of the following essential elements
• Fuel elements, generally consisting of bars containing natural uranium,
uranium enriched in
U, or
Pu. If there is to be a self-sustaining chain
reaction, the amount of fuel must be greater than the critical mass defined
by geometric losses.
• A heat extraction system, generally a fluid, e.g. water in thermal-neutron
reactors or sodium in fast-neutron reactors. Its role is to limit the tem-
perature of the core and, in power reactors, to transfer the core’s thermal
energy to electric generators.
• (Thermal-neutron reactors only) A moderating system to thermalize the
neutrons. This is most simply done by bathing the fuel bars in water. In
this case, the moderator also serves as the heat transporter.
In the following subsections, we will briefly describe three basic types of
fission reactors, those based on thermal neutrons, fast neutrons, and proposed
schemes where reactors are driven by particle accelerators.