302 6. Fission
a size at least as large as the neutron mean-free path so that the neutrons
have a reasonable probability of creating further fissions before escaping.
To go beyond this rough estimate requires a very detailed and complicated
analysis. More generally, the construction and the operating of a nuclear
reactor require the mastery of the distribution of neutrons both in energy
and in space. This is called neutron transport in the reactor. It is a very
involved problem which necessitates the elaboration of complex computer
codes. Several processes occur in the history of an individual neutron; its
formation in a fission, its elastic collisions with the various nuclei which are
present inside the medium, in particular its slowing down by the nuclei of
the moderator, its radiative capture, and finally the new fission that it can
induce. Besides that, in a finite medium, one must also consider the number
of neutrons that will be lost because they diffuse out of the region containing
the fuel. This constraint corresponds to the concept of a “critical mass” of
fuel, below which geometric losses necessarily lead to a sub-critical situation.
A glance at Fig. 6.9, which shows an actual fuel element (which is itself
plunged into the water-moderator) illustrates why the neutron transport is
a complicated problem, although all basic ingredients, i.e. the elementary
cross-sections and the geometrical architecture of all materials are known.
A detailed study of neutron transport is far beyond the scope of this
text. It is both fundamental in nuclear technologies and very complicated
to solve. The transport equation is an integro-differential equation whose
numerical treatment is in itself an artistry which has been steadily developed
for decades in all nuclear research centers. Its complexity comes in part from
the fact that it treats the behavior of neutrons both as a function of energy
(they can lose energy in collisions) and in space (they scatter). All R&D
organizations involved in this problem possess their own “secrets” to address
it. Calculations of neutron transport use the Boltzmann equation formalism.
In Appendix D we give some indications about how this equation appears in
the specific case of neutron transport.
Here, we will consider the problem in a very simple approximation, in
order to exemplify why and how the concept of a “critical mass” emerges.
The problem is quite simpler if we make the, not totally absurd, assumptions
that the neutrons all have the same time-independent energy, and that the
medium is homogeneous, though finite in extent.
6.7.1 The transport equation in a simple uniform spherically
symmetric medium
We treat a simple system consisting a pure
Pu fuel with no moderator.
The lack of light nuclei in the medium allows us to make the approximation
that neutrons do not loose energy in elastic collisions, which simplifies things