288 6. Fission
The original fission fragments
Y are transformed through a series
of β-decays to the β-stable
Ba and
Zr. Note the long half-life of
that makes it effectively stable over a fuel cycle of a nuclear reactor. It is an
example of radioactive waste from a fission reactor.
Of course the reaction (6.8) is only one of many possible fission modes. It
is necessary to consider the problem statistically. The observed distribution
of fragments of neutron-induced fission of
U, corresponding roughly to
spontaneous fission of
U, is shown in Fig. 6.2. One observes that fission is
mainly binary : the probability distribution of final products is a two-peak
curve. The fission fragments have, statistically, different masses. This is called
asymmetric fission. In the case of neutron induced fission of uranium 235, one
• A fragment in the “group ” A ∼ 95,Z∼ 36 (Br, Kr, Sr, Zr)
• A fragment in the “group ” A ∼ 140,Z∼ 54 (I, Xe, Ba).
The two groups are near the magic neutron numbers N =50andN =82
Because of the large neutron excess of heavy nuclei, the two fission frag-
mentsgenerallyarebelowthelineofβ-stability. They therefore β
-decay to
the bottom of the stability valley. This process is usually quite rapid, though
in the above example (6.8) the last β-decay of
Cs is rather slow. This is
an example of the long-lived radioactivity that is important for the storage
of waste from nuclear reactors.
We see that the fission process results in the production of a large variety
of particles. They can be classified as
• Two fission fragments that are β
• Other “prompt” particles, mostly neutrons emitted in the fission process
and photons emitted by the primary fission fragments produced in highly
excited states.
• “Delayed” particles mostly e
,andγ emittedintheβ
-decays of the
primary fission fragments fragments and their daughters.
Most of the released energy is contained in the initial kinetic energies
of the two fission fragments. The kinetic energy of each heavy fragment at
the time of fragmentation is of the order of 75 MeV, with initial velocities
of roughly 10
. Given their large masses, their ranges are very small
∼ 10
m. The stopping process transforms the kinetic energy to thermal
For a given fissile nucleus we call
ν the average number of free neutrons
µ the number of β-decays, and κ the number of photons. The total
energy balance of a fission reaction is then
A → B + C +
ν n+µ e
+ µ
+ κ γ .
On average, the various components take the following energies