340 7. Fusion
• An energy recovery mechanism that collects the energy of escaping fusion-
produced neutrons and thermal photons.
In practice, the confinement of the plasma is achieved by three different
mechanisms: gravitational confinement, inertial confinement and magnetic
confinement. Gravitational confinement is achieved naturally in stars. The
plasma is maintained indefinitely by the self-gravitation of the star. Inertial
confinement is used in laser induced fusion. It also occurs in supernovae
explosions (and in explosive devices). Magnetic confinement has been the
main method investigated for controlled fusion before laser induced inertial
confinement was declassified.
Let V be the plasma volume, R the reaction rate as defined by (7.19) and
Q the energy released in an elementary fusion reaction. The fusion-generated
power P (before any losses are taken into account) is given by
P = RV Q . (7.34)
For a given value of the temperature, in order to increase the reaction rate
R, one must increase the densities n
and n
. For a given value of n = n
the best proportion, which maximizes the product n
corresponds to n
= n/2, i.e. equal amounts of reagents, at high densities. One therefore
seeks high temperatures (∼ 10
K,kT ∼ 1keV) and a strong compression.
Fusion reactors are judged by how much power they create compared to
how much was used in heating the plasma. Three goals, in order of decreasing
difficulty, are defined for any fusion reactor:
• Ignition. After heating, the reaction rate is sufficiently high to maintain
the temperature without further injection of energy. In reaction (7.4), the
neutron escapes so the
He energy must be used to compensate for cooling
by radiation of photons and neutrons.
• Breakeven. Power generated by fusion is equal to the input power that
must be continually injected to compensate for energy losses (neutrons
and photons).
• One-shot breakeven (Lawson Criterion). The energy generated by fusion is
equal to the input energy necessary to heat the plasma. A reactor satisfying
only this criterion is similar to the sub-critical fission reactors of Sect. 6.8.
The present goal is to satisfy the Lawson criterion which we now make
more precise. The time τ during which the plasma maintains its temperature
T and its cohesion, after its creation, is called the confinement time. This
time is effectively infinite in stars, in the sense that confinement lasts at least
as long as there is some nuclear fuel left.
In order to heat the plasma to the temperature T , one must furnish, per
unit volume, the energy 3nkT where n is the number density of nuclei. (We
assume one free electron per ion).
Let η be the efficiency to transform nuclear energy into electric energy in
the reactor, in other words the efficiency to recover the energy produced by