2.4 Malaria 35
to person by a secondary agent, the male Anopheles mosquito (the female is not a
vector of Malaria). An infection is transferred both from human to mosquito and
vice versa when Anopheles bites a human.
The dynamics of infection depend on the local interactions between individ-
ual agents, namely the vectors (mosquitoes) and the humans. Both humans and
mosquitoes have a limited range of movement and can only interact when in each
other’s neighborhood. The exact details of how agents move across their available
space—in particular the mosquitoes—could have a major influence on how fast and
how far Malaria spreads; in this sense there are irreducible interactions. The sys-
tem is also irreducibly heterogeneous, in that some agents are infected some while
are susceptible (that is uninfected). There is a random element to the model in that
the contact between the agent-types is probabilistic. As will become clear below,
this randomness and heterogeneity is, under some conditions, reducible, but irre-
ducible under others. In order to deal with the latter case, an ABM is appropri-
Let us now leave the preliminaries behind and put into practice what we have
discussed in theory. Our aim is to find the simplest non-trivial model of Malaria
that captures the essence of reality. In every modeling enterprise, one should always
try to find the simplest model first, and only introduce complexities once this sim-
plest model is thoroughly understood. There are many possible choices one can take
when modeling the spread of Malaria. The shape and form of the final model will
depend on the particular goals that are to be achieved. Depending on whether they
are predictive, explanatory or exploratory, different requirements need to be put on
the model. Here we do not have any particular purpose in mind, other than demon-
strating how to design ABMs, and we will therefore design the simplest non-trivial
model of the spread of Malaria. Generally, it is a good idea to start in this way, even
when one has a particular purpose in mind. It is a common mistake for modelers to
start designing models that are full of details but are also opaque. Particularly with
ABMs, this danger is ever-present.
As a minimal requirement, an ABM of the transmission dynamics of Malaria will
have to consider at least two types of agents, namely mosquitoes and humans. In a
first model, it is best to avoid the complication of distinguishing between female
and male mosquitoes, although for some applications this could become relevant.
Similarly, humans could be differentiated according to age, as different age-groups
will likely have different susceptibilities for the disease and different survival rates.
However, for a first attempt it is best to ignore these complicating effects as well. In-
stead, to keep matters simple for an initial model, we reduce the possible states of the
agents to two: either an agent is infected or not. We have to assume that both types of
agents could be either infected or not, and these would be the only two states of the
agents. The difference between human-agents and mosquito-agents is in the details
of the rules that determine how they carry an infection, and for how long they stay
infected. To keep the complexity of the model to a minimum, one would initially
also ignore that agents die (of Malaria or otherwise). This means that there is a fixed
number of agents in the environment. Each agent can be either infected or suscep-
tible. Naturally, we have to assume at least one interaction between mosquitos and