2.6 Case Study: The Evolution of Fimbriation 55
needs to be more than one cave and it must be possible for mice to migrate between
the caves. There is no mechanism by which beneficial adaptations can spread within
a single cave (except chance). In fact, in every particular cave the mouse population
will eventually die out, as we have just seen. However, if there is occasional mi-
gration between caves, then empty caves can be re-colonized by migrants and new
colonies can be established, and a total population crash can be avoided.
To simplify the detailed explanation of the evolutionary mechanisms, let us in-
troduce some shorthand notation. When we say that a mouse is fitter than another,
then we mean that its switching rates from red to green and vice versa are such that,
if an entire population had these switching probabilities then this population would
be closer to the achievable optimum. Rather than referring to the individual, the no-
tion of fitness here implicitly always refers to a group. By “achievable optimum”
we mean the following: The more red-tailed mice there are (up to a certain point),
the more mushrooms grow and the larger the population of mice will grow, since
the growth rate of mushrooms depends on the absolute number of red-tailed mice.
Food is shared between the mice, and more red-tailed mice means a higher popula-
tion growth of all mice. Higher growth means that the population increases, which
means that there will be more red-tailed mice, which further increases growth until
there are too many red-tailed mice and the mushrooms become toxic. The optimal
point, or the point of highest fitness, is just before mushrooms turn toxic.
We can now explain how migration between caves can serve as a mechanism
for adaptation of the switching between red and green tails in a population of Mar-
tian mice. As before, we assume that the system starts in an unadapted state, i.e.,
an average number of red-tailed mice that is too low—we do not need to consider
the case of too high a number of red-tailed mice, because such populations would
immediately go extinct. Let us further assume that there are many caves with mice.
Each sub-population is genetically diverse at first, in the sense that the switching
rates between red and green within a cave may be very different. Starting from such
an initial state, after some time has passed sub-populations will start to become ex-
tinct; if nothing else, then statistical flukes will lead to this. The key point is that it
is extremely unlikely, to the extent that we can ignore the possibility, that all caves
become extinct simultaneously. As long as some caves are populated then a total
collapse of the population can be avoided by occasional migration of mice from one
cave to another. Empty caves will be discovered by migrating mice who then estab-
lish new populations. If we assume that migration is relatively rare, then we would
expect a strong founder-effect. As a result, the newly established cave-populations
will be genetically rather homogeneous. All offspring of the founder will have the
same, or at least similar, color switching probabilities as the original ancestor. Some
variation enters through occasional mutations that adjust the probability of some
mice to be red-tailed. Another source of variation is influx from relocating mice,
i.e., mice that come from other caves. While there will always be some diversity
within the caves, we can assume for the moment that this diversity is relatively low.
Once the population in each cave has become extinct at least once, we would ex-
pect a high heterogeneity between different caves, but relative genetic homogeneity
within each cave. The differences between the sub-populations will manifest them-
selves in different population sizes in the caves and different expected times before