10 1 Foundations of Modeling
One aspect of “prediction” is the ability of models to reproduce experimental
data, which is one aspect of predictability. Rather naively in our view, some seem to
regard this as a gold standard of models. Certainly, in some cases, it is but in others
it might not be. Particularly in the realm of biology, many (even most) parameters
will be unknown. In order to be able to reproduce experimental data it is therefore
often necessary to fit the unknown parameters to the data. This can either succeed
or fail. Either way, it does not tell us much about the quality of the model, or rather
its fitness for its particular purpose. For one, the modeler is very often interested in
specific qualitative aspects of the system under investigation. Following the morality
of laziness, she has left out essential parts of the real system to focus on the core of
the problem. These essential parts may just prevent the system from being able to be
fitted to experimental data. This does not necessarily make the model less useful or
less reliable. It just means that prediction of experimental data is, in this case, not a
relevant test for the suitability and reliability of the model. Often these models can,
however, make qualitative predictions, for instance, “If this and that gene is mutated,
then this and that will happen.” These qualitative predictions can lend as much (or
even more) credibility to the model as a detailed reproduction of experimental data.
Secondly, given the complexity of some of the models and the number of un-
known parameters, one can wonder whether some dynamical models cannot be fit-
ted to nearly any type of empirical data. As such, model fitting has the potential to
lend the model a false credence. This is not to say that fitting is always wrong, it
is only to say that one should be wary of the suggestibility of perfectly reproduced
experimental data. Successful reproduction of experimental data does not make a
model right, nor does it make a model wrong or useless if it cannot reproduce data.
Once a modeler has a finished model, it is paramount that she is able to give a
detailed justification as to why the model is relevant. As discussed above, all mod-
els must be simplified versions of reality. While many of the simplifying assump-
tions will be trivial in that they concern areas that are quite obviously irrelevant for
the specific purpose at hand, models will normally also contain key-simplifications
whose impact on the final result is unclear. A common example in the context of
biochemical systems is the assumption of perfect mixing, as mentioned above. This
assumption greatly simplifies mathematical and computational models of chemical
systems. In reality it is, of course, wrong. The behavior of a system that is not mixed
can deviate quite substantially from the perfectly mixed dynamics. In many practical
cases it may still be desirable to make the assumption of perfect mixing, despite it
being wrong; indeed, the vast majority of models of biochemical systems do ignore
spatial organization. In all those cases, as a modeler one must be prepared to defend
this and other choices. In practice, simplifying assumptions can sometimes become
the sticking point for reviewers who will insist on better justifications.
One possible way to justify particular modeling choices is to show that they do
not materially change the result. This can be done by comparing the model’s behav-
ior as key assumptions are varied. In the early phases of a modeling project, such
variations can also provide valuable insights into the properties of the model. If the
modeler can actually demonstrate that a particular simplification barely makes any
difference to the results but yields a massively simplified model, then this provides
a strong basis from which one can pre-empt or answer referees’ objections.