1.4 Validity and Purpose of Models 11
Apart from merely varying the basic assumptions of the model it is also good
modeling practice to vary the modeling technique itself. Usually one and the same
problem can be approached using more than one method. Biochemical systems,
for example, can be modeled in agent-based systems, differential equations, using
stochastic differential equations, or simulated using the Gillespie [21] and related
algorithms. Each of these approaches has its own advantages. If the modeler uses
more than just a single approach, then this will quite naturally lead to varying as-
sumptions across the models. For example, differential equation models usually rest
on the assumption that stochastic fluctuations are not important, whereas stochastic
simulations using Gillespie’s algorithm are designed to show fluctuations. Specif-
ically during early stages of a modeling project, it is often enlightening to play
with more than one technique. Maintaining various models of the same system is,
of course, also a good way to cross-validate the models and overall can lead to a
higher confidence into the results generated by them. Of course, building several
models requires considerably more effort than building just one!
1.4 Validity and Purpose of Models
A saying attributed to George E.P. Box [12] is: “Essentially, all models are wrong,
but some are useful.” It has been discussed already that a model that is correct, in
the sense that it represents every part of the real systems, would be mostly useless.
Being “wrong” is not a flaw of a model but an essential attribute. Then again, there
are many models that are, indeed, both wrong and useless. The question then is, how
can one choose the useful ones, or better, the most useful one from among all the
possible wrong ones?
A comprehensive theory of modeling would go beyond the scope of this intro-
ductory chapter, and perhaps also over stretch the reader’s patience. However, it is
worth briefly considering some types of models classified according to their useful-
ness, though the following list is certainly not complete. The reader who is interested
in this topic is also encouraged to see the article by Groß and Strand on the topic of
modeling [25].
A simple, but helpful way to classify models is to distinguish between, (i) pre-
dictive, (ii) explanatory and (iii) toy models. The latter class is mostly a subset of
explanatory models, but a very important class in itself and, hence, worth the extra
attention. As the name suggests, predictive models are primarily used for the pur-
pose of predicting the future behavior of a system. Intuitively, one would expect that
predictive models must adhere to the most exacting standards of rigour because they
have to pass the acid test of correctness. There is no arguing with data. Therefore,
the predictive model, one might think, must be the most valid one; in some sense
the most correct one. In reality, of course, the fact that the model does make correct
predictions is useful, but it is only one criterion, not always the most important one,
and never sufficient to make a model useful.
A well known class of models that are predictive, but otherwise quite uninforma-
tive, are the so-called empirical formulas. These are quite common in physics and