the quantum story
years and had uncovered no new massless particles in systems with a
local gauge symmetry. In the theory of superconductivity developed in
1957 by John Bardeen, Leon Cooper, and John Schrieffer, no new particles
had to be invoked to explain why certain materials, when cooled below a
critical temperature, lose all their electrical resistance.
We learn early on in our science education that like charges repel
each other. However, electrons in a superconductor experience a mutual
attraction, albeit weak. What happens is that an electron passing close to
a positively charged ion in the crystal lattice exerts an attractive force
which pulls the ion out of position slightly, distorting the lattice. The
electron moves on, but the distorted lattice continues to vibrate. This
vibration produces a region of excess positive charge, which attracts a
second electron.
The upshot of this interaction is that a pair of electrons (called a
‘Cooper pair’), each with opposite spin and momentum, move through
the lattice cooperatively, their motion mediated or facilitated by the lat-
tice vibrations. Electrons are fermions and, as such, they are forbidden
from occupying the same quantum state by the Pauli exclusion principle.
In contrast, Cooper pairs behave like bosons: there is no restriction on
the number of pairs that can occupy a quantum state and at low tem-
peratures they can experience Bose condensation, gathering in a single
macroscopic quantum state.
The Cooper pairs in this state experience
no resistance as they pass through the lattice and the result is supercon-
The Bardeen–Cooper–Schrieffer theory of superconductivity is not
only elegant, it explains an otherwise puzzling set of phenomena entirely
within the framework of quantum electrodynamics. Other than symme-
try-breaking of the electromagnetic fi eld, no new features and no new
particles are required.
This kind of logic led sold-state physicist Philip Anderson to reject the
Goldstone theorem. It was transparently obvious from many practical
examples in solid-state physics that Nambu–Goldstone bosons are not
always produced when gauge symmetries are spontaneously broken.
What are produced are quantized collective excitations, vibrations of the
Laser light is an example of Bose condensation involving photons.