the quantum story
very well aware of the relationship between symmetry and physics. In 1915 his Göt-
tingen colleague Amalie Emmy Noether had established a principle underlying all of
physics. For any conserved physical quantity, such as energy or momentum, the physical
laws describing the behaviour of this quantity are invariant to one or more continuous
symmetry transformations. Conservation laws refl ect the deep symmetries of nature.
The laws governing energy are found to be invariant to ‘translations’ in time, meaning
that the laws are the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Energy is therefore conserved.
For momentum, the laws are found to be invariant to translations in space—they are
the same here, there, and everywhere. For angular momentum, the laws are invariant to
rotational symmetry transformations: they are the same irrespective of direction.
Weyl applied group theory to quantum mechanics in a book published in 1928. It had
a mixed reception. Mathematicians welcomed its rigour and beauty. However, physicists
perceived it as yet another, higher level of mathematical abstraction in a quantum theory
that was already hard to understand. Pauli labelled it ‘die gruppenpest’ (the group pesti-
lence, or that pesty group business).
Hungarian physicist Eugene Wigner tried to make the subject more accessible in a
short book on quantum mechanics and atomic spectra published in 1931. Schrödinger
was dismissive of Wigner’s efforts: ‘This may be the fi rst method to derive the root of
spectroscopy,’ he told Wigner, ‘But surely no one will be doing it this way in fi ve years.’
Von Neumann was more reassuring: ‘Oh, these are old fogeys. In fi ve years, every student
will learn group theory as a matter of course,’ he said.
Despite the fact that physicists were uncomfortable with its abstraction, it would be
symmetry considerations and group theory that would lead Chinese physicist Chen Ning Yang
and American physicist Robert Mills to the next breakthrough in quantum fi eld theory.
Though it wouldn’t be recognized as a breakthrough for some time to come.
Noether’s theorem led to speculation concerning the symmetry that
could be identifi ed with the conservation of another important physical
property—electric charge. It had been known since the late eighteenth
century that charge is conserved; it can be neither created nor destroyed
in physical or chemical reactions.
Weyl had worked on the representation theory of types of symmetry
groups called Lie groups, named for the eighteenth century Norwegian
mathematician Sophus Lie. These are groups of continuous symmetry
transformations, involving gradual change of one or more parameters
rather than an instantaneous fl ipping from one form to another, as in a