The first law: The conservation of energy
accommodate the products. This expansion requires work. That is,
when a fuel burns in a container that is free to expand, some of the
energy released in the combustion is used to do work. If the
combustion takes place in a container with rigid walls, the
combustion releases the same amount of energy, but none of it is
used to do work because no expansion can occur. In other words,
more energy is available as heat in the latter case than in the
former. To calculate the heat that can be produced in the former
case, we have to account for the energy that is used to make room
for the carbon dioxide and water vapour and subtract that from
the total change in energy. This is true even if there is no physical
piston—if the fuel burns in a dish—because, although we cannot
see it so readily, the gaseous products must still make room for
Thermodynamicists have developed a clever way of taking into
account the energy used to do work when any change, and
particularly the combustion of a fuel, occurs, without having to
calculate the work explicitly in each case. To do so, they switch
attention from the internal energy of a system, its total energy
content, to a closely related quantity, the enthalpy (symbol H).
The name comes from the Greek words for ‘heat inside’, and
although, as we have stressed, there is no such thing as ‘heat’ (it is
a process of transfer, not a thing), for the circumspect the name is
well chosen, as we shall see. The formal relation of enthalpy, H,to
internal energy, U, is easily written down as H = U + pV, where p
is the pressure of the system and V is its volume. From this
relation it follows that the enthalpy of a litre of water open to the
atmosphere is only 100 J greater than its internal energy, but it is
much more important to understand its significance than to note
small differences in numerical values.
It turns out that the energy released as heat by a system free
to expand or contract as a process occurs, as distinct from the
total energy released in the same process, is exactly equal to the
change in enthalpy of the system. That is, as if by magic—but