The Laws of Thermodynamics
with the concept, we shall identify entropy with disorder: if matter
and energy are distributed in a disordered way, as in a gas, then
the entropy is high; if the energy and matter are stored in an
ordered manner, as in a crystal, then the entropy is low. With
disorder in mind, we shall explore the implications of Clausius’s
expression and verify that it is plausible in capturing the entropy
as a measure of the disorder in a system.
The analogy I have used elsewhere to help make plausible
Clausius’s definition of the change in entropy is that of sneezing in
a busy street or in a quiet library. A quiet library is the metaphor
for a system at low temperature, with little disorderly thermal
motion. A sneeze corresponds to the transfer of energy as heat. In
a quiet library a sudden sneeze is highly disruptive: there is a big
increase in disorder, a large increase in entropy. On the other
hand, a busy street is a metaphor for a system at high temperature,
with a lot of thermal motion. Now the same sneeze will introduce
relatively little additional disorder: there is only a small increase in
entropy. Thus, in each case it is plausible that a change in entropy
should be inversely proportional to some power of the
temperature (the first power, T itself, as it happens; not T
anything more complicated), with the greater change in entropy
occurring the lower the temperature. In each case, the additional
disorder is proportional to the magnitude of the sneeze (the
quantity of energy transferred as heat) or some power of that
quantity (the first power, as it happens). Thus, Clausius’s
expression conforms to this simple analogy, and we should bear
the analogy in mind for the rest of the chapter as we see how to
apply the concept of entropy and enrich our interpretation of it.
A change in entropy is the ratio of energy (in joules) transferred as
heat to or from a system to the temperature (in kelvins) at which it
is transferred, so its units are joules per kelvin (J K
). For
instance, suppose we immerse a 1 kW heater in a tank of water at
C (293 K), and run the heater for 10 s, we increase the entropy
of the water by 34 J K
. If 100 J of energy leaves a flask of water