The Laws of Thermodynamics
same, whatever they might be. The technical expression for the
condition arising from the equality of pressures is mechanical
equilibrium. Thermodynamicists ge t very excited, or at least
get very interested, when nothing happens, and this condition
of equilibrium will grow in importance as we go through the laws.
We need one more aspect of mechanical equilibrium: it will seem
trivial at this point, but establishes the analogy that will enable us
to introduce the concept of temperature. Suppose the two systems,
which we shall call A and B, are in mechanical equilibrium when
they are brought together and the pins are released. That is, they
have the same pressure. Now suppose we break the link between
them and establish a link between system A and a third system, C,
equipped with a piston. Suppose we observe no change: we infer
that the systems A and C are in mechanical equilibrium and we
can go on to say that they have the same pressure. Now suppose
we break that link and put system C in mechanical contact with
system B. Even without doing the experiment, we know what will
happen: nothing. Because systems A and B have the same
pressure, and A and C have the same pressure, we can be confident
that systems C and B have the same pressure, and that pressure is
a universal indicator of mechanical equilibrium.
Now we move from mechanics to thermodynamics and the world
of the zeroth law. Suppose that system A has rigid walls made of
metal and system B likewise. When we put the two systems in
contact, they might undergo some kind of physical change. For
instance, their pressures might change or we could see a change in
colour through a peephole. In everyday language we would say
that ‘heat has flowed from one system to the other’ and their
properties have changed accordingly. Don’t imagine, though, that
we know what heat is yet: that mystery is an aspect of the first law,
and we aren’t even at the zeroth law yet.
It may be the case that no change occurs when the two systems are
in contact e ven though they are made of metal. In that case we say