The zeroth law: The concept of temperature
Although Boltzmann’s constant k is commonly listed as a
fundamental constant, it is actually only a recovery from a
historical mistake. If Ludwig Boltzmann had done his work before
Fahrenheit and Celsius had done theirs, then it would have been
seen that ‚ was the natural measure of temperature, and we might
have become used to expressing temperatures in the units of
inverse joules with warmer systems at low values of ‚ and cooler
systems at high values. However, conventions had become
established, with warmer systems at higher temperatures than
cooler systems, and k was introduced, through k‚ =1/T, to align
the natural scale of temperature based on ‚ to the conventional
and deeply ingrained one based on T. Thus, Boltzmann’s constant
is nothing but a conversion factor between a well-established
conventional scale and the one that, with hindsight, society might
have adopted. Had it adopted ‚ as its measure of temperature,
Boltzmann’s constant would not have been necessary.
We shall end this section on a more positive note. We have
established that the temperature, and specifically ‚, is a parameter
that expresses the equilibrium distribution of the molecules of a
system over their available energy states. One of the easiest
systems to imagine in this connection is a perfect (or ‘ideal’) gas, in
which we imagine the molec ules as forming a chaotic swarm,
some moving fast, others slow, travelling in straight lines until one
molecule collides with another, rebounding in a different direction
and with a different speed, and striking the walls in a storm of
impacts and thereby giving rise to what we interpret as pressure. A
gas is a chaotic assembly of molecules (indeed, the words ‘gas’ and
‘chaos’ stem from the same root), chaotic in spatial distribution
and chaotic in the distribution of molecular speeds. Each speed
corresponds to a certain kinetic energy, and so the Boltzmann
distribution can be used to express, through the distribution of
molecules over their possible translational energy states, their
distribution of speeds, and to relate that distribution of speeds to
the temperature. The resulting expression is called the
Maxwell–Boltzmann distribution of speeds, for James Clerk