Thus, the only methods for material removal from a component surface that do not induce residual stresses are
electrolytic or chemical polishing. Electropolishing is described in some detail in Surface Cleaning, Finishing,
and Coating, Volume 5, 9th ed., of Metals Handbook (Ref 47), and guidelines are provided for application to
various alloys on Table 1 of that publication. In electropolishing, the electrolyte and operating conditions
depend on the alloy being polished as shown in the Metals Handbook (Ref 47) and the SAE Handbook
Supplement (Ref 8). Electropolishing combined with XRD is used extensively to reveal residual stress gradients
on machined, ground, and hardened surfaces.
However, application of these techniques requires that the subsurface stresses be corrected for the removal of
prior surface layers (Ref 8).
Another concern when reducing components to a more convenient, smaller size when it is necessary in order to
place them on or in a measurement device is that the stresses of interest are likely changed by the sectioning.
Generally plates should be cut to a length and width of at least three times the thickness to avoid end effects.
Cylinders, both thin-walled and solid, should be a minimum of three diameters in length.
Where the manufacturing process affects the entire thickness of a component, such as heat treatment or forging,
it might not be advisable to section without means of measuring the stress change extensively over the entire
component before sectioning. In other words, selection of the stress measurement procedure and methods
should avoid sectioning unless techniques to measure the effects of sectioning are applied before sectioning is
On the other hand, when the processes that have induced the residual stress produce only shallow stress fields,
then the three times rule suggested above is applicable.
Strain Measurement Methods
As discussed in the section “Stress Measurement” in this article, all residual stress determination methods
measure elastic strain, not stress, and the residual stress is calculated from the strain values. Several methods for
the measurement of strain have been applied in residual stress studies, and some have been mentioned
previously. These methods include mechanical gages, electrical resistance gages, brittle coatings, optical gages,
laser methods, birefringent methods, diffraction methods (x-ray and neutron), ultrasonic methods, and magnetic
methods. The last three methods will be discussed in the section “Nondestructive Procedures” in this article.
Mechanical Gages. The application of mechanical gages such as those described by Heyn (Ref 23), Stablein
(Ref 24), Gunnert (Ref 27), and others generally preceded the availability of electrical resistance strain gages
and are not discussed here due to their general lack of precision, poor spatial resolution, and inefficiency.
Electrical Resistance Strain Gages. Most bonded electrical resistance strain gages are made from either metallic
wire or foil materials. There are also the recently developed semiconductor gages. A variety of sizes, shapes,
and configurations are available, including single-element gages and rosettes with two, three, or four elements.
Electrical resistance strain gages are available in sizes as small as about 1 mm and thus provide a resolution of
strain measurement on that order. Information on electrical strain gages is available in numerous sources,
including the Handbook of Experimental Stress Analysis (Ref 48) and in reviews by Crites (Ref 49) and
Masubuchi (Ref 15) as well as by suppliers.
Changes in temperature tend to cause an apparent strain. Some type of temperature compensation, therefore, is
needed. Frequently, a dummy gage, which is not subjected to the strain, is exposed to the same temperature as
the actual gage to provide a basis for comparison. A temperature-compensated gage can also be used.
Gages must be bonded securely to the specimen. Various types of cements have been developed. Sometimes
gages must be protected from metal chips produced during machining as well as from the oil or water. A
number of systems have been devised for protecting gages under various conditions.
Brittle Coatings. A simple inexpensive strain gage that will only provide qualitative indications of residual
stress is used for brittle coatings. Here a brittle lacquer is applied to the area where the stresses are to be
measured by a material removal method. After the lacquer has cured (dried), a change in the stress field is
induced, and if the change is sufficient, strain will be produced in the lacquer, causing it to crack. If the material
removal is in the form of a hole drilled in the lacquer, radial cracks indicate a tensile residual stress in the plane
of the component surface, and circular cracks indicate compressive stress.
Optical Gages. In a well-fixtured component that is held securely in place during material removal to change
the stress field and, therefore, induce strain change, light reflective methods can be used to magnify the
movement of a reflective surface. Also, this method can be used if the component can be removed and replaced