13. J.R. Rice and G.F. Rosengren, J. Mech. Phys. Solids, Vol 16, 1968, p 1–12
14. W.R. Brose and N.E. Dowling, in Elastic-Plastic Fracture, STP 668, ASTM, 1979, p 720–735
15. W. Elber, Fatigue Crack Closure under Cyclic Tension, Eng. Fract. Mech., Vol 2, 1970, p 37–45
16. W. Elber, The Significance of Fatigue Crack Closure, STP 486, ASTM, 1971, p 230–242
Fatigue Crack Growth Testing
Ashok Saxena, Georgia Institute of Technology; Christopher L. Muhlstein, University of California, Berkeley
Test Methods and Procedures
ASTM standard E 647 (Ref 7) is the accepted guideline for fatigue crack growth testing and is applicable to a
wide variety of materials and growth rates.
FCGR testing consists of several steps, beginning with selecting the specimen size, geometry, and crack-length
measurement technique. When planning the tests, the investigator must have an understanding of the
application of FCGR data. Testing is often performed in laboratory air at room temperature; however, any
gaseous or liquid environment and temperature of interest may be used to determine the effect of temperature,
corrosion, or other chemical reaction on cyclic loading (see the appendix “High-Temperature Fatigue Crack
Growth Testing” at the end of this article). Cyclic loading also may involve various waveforms for constant-
amplitude loading, spectrum loading, or random loading.
In addition, many of the conventions used in plane-strain fracture toughness testing (ASTM E 399, Ref 17) are
also used in FCGR testing. For tension-tension fatigue loading, K
loading fixtures frequently can be used. For
this type of loading, both the maximum and minimum loads are tensile, and the load ratio, R = P
, is in
the range 0 < R < 1. A ratio of R = 0.1 is commonly used for developing data for comparative purposes.
Cyclic crack growth rate testing in the threshold regime (region I, Fig. 2) complicates acquisition of valid and
consistent data, because the crack growth behavior becomes more sensitive to the material, environment, and
testing procedures. Within this regime, the fatigue mechanisms of the material that slow the crack growth rates
are more significant.
It is extremely expensive to obtain a true definition of ΔK
, and in some materials a true threshold may be
nonexistent. Generally, designers are more interested in the FCGR in the near-threshold regime, such as the ΔK
that corresponds to a FCGR of 10
to 10
m/cycle (3.9 × 10
to 10
in./cycle). Because the duration of the
tests increases greatly for each additional decade of near-threshold data (e.g., 10
to 10
to 10
m/cycle), the
precise design requirements should be determined in advance of the test. Although the methods of conducting
fatigue crack threshold testing may differ, ASTM E 647 addresses these requirements.
In all areas of crack growth rate testing, the resolution capability of the crack measuring technique should be
known; however, this knowledge becomes considerably more important in the threshold regime. The smallest
amount of crack-length resolution is desired, because the rate of decreasing applied loads (load shedding) is
dependent on how easily the crack length can be measured. The minimum amount of change in measured crack
growth should be ten times the crack-length measurement precision. It is also recommended that for
noncontinuous load shedding testing, where, [(P
- P
] > 0.02, the reduction in the maximum load
should not exceed 10% of the previous maximum load, and the minimum crack extension between load sheds
should be at least 0.50 mm (0.02 in.)
In selecting a specimen, the resolution capability of the crack measuring device and the K-gradient (the rate at
which K is increased or decreased) in the specimen should be known to ensure that the test can be conducted
appropriately. If the measuring device is not sufficient, the threshold crack growth rate may not be achieved
before the specimen is separated in two. To avoid such problems, a plot of the control of the stress intensity (K
versus a) should be generated before selection of the specimen.