Linear-elastic parameters are used to measure fracture toughness for relatively low toughness materials, which
fracture under or near the linear-loading portion of the test. For many materials used in structures, it is desirable
to have high toughness, a value at least high enough so that the structure would not reach fracture toughness
before significant yielding occurs. For these materials, it is necessary to use the nonlinear fracture parameters to
measure fracture toughness properties. The two leading nonlinear fracture parameters are J and δ.
For many of the nonlinear fracture toughness measurements, the fracture mode is a ductile one. In this case the
fracture toughness is measured by an R-curve, that is, a plot of the fracture-characterizing parameter as a
function of the ductile crack advance. The evaluation of the R-curve toughness requires three measurements
during the test: load, displacement, and crack length. The load and displacement are standard measurements.
The crack length requires a special monitoring system. In the standards, the crack length has been measured
visually on the fracture surface and by an elastic unloading compliance method that uses the elastic properties
of the specimen geometry to evaluate crack length. Methods that have also been used are an electrical potential
drop method and a key curve, or normalization, method. The electrical potential method uses the electrical
resistance of the material to evaluate crack length. The method of normalization uses the plastic deformation
properties of the material to evaluate crack length.
The visual method was the first and longest used of the methods. It has a disadvantage in that it requires a
number of specimens to evaluate one R-curve. Each specimen generates only one point on the R-curve. It is
often called the multiple-specimen method. The other methods require only one specimen to generate an R-
curve and are often called single-specimen methods. The elastic unloading compliance method is the most often
used of the single-specimen methods and is used in many of the standards to measure fracture toughness during
nonlinear loading. It cannot be used under rapid loading conditions or for materials that do not have a linear-
elastic loading character. This would include polymer materials. The electrical potential drop method requires a
material that has a measurable electrical resistance. It is mostly used for metallic materials. In the past it has
been in some standard test methods, but presently it is withdrawn from all existing standards because it has not
always given accurate crack length measurement during a fracture toughness test. The method of normalization
has not been standardized. It is advantageous in that it can be used for any material that generates nonlinear
loading that is similar to plastic deformation in metals. It can be used to measure crack length both for polymers
and for rapid loading test conditions.
Testing (ASTM E 813)
The first standard test developed using the J parameter is the J
test, originally standardized as ASTM E 813
(Ref 9). (Changes to this standard will be discussed later.) In this test an R-curve is developed using J versus Δa
pairs. A point near the beginning of the R-curve is defined as J
, “a value of J near the onset of stable crack
extension” (Ref 9). The specimens for the J
test are the bend, SE(B), and compact, C(T). These are similar to
the ones used for K
testing (Fig. 2a and b); however, the compact specimen for J testing allows for a load line
displacement measurement in the line of the applied loads. Therefore, a cutout is machined in the front of the
specimen to accommodate the placement of a clip gage on the load line (Fig. 9). Also, side grooving is
recommended on this specimen to assist in maintaining a straight crack front during the stable crack growth.
The loading fixtures required are the bend fixture for the bend specimen (Fig. 3a) and the pin and clevis for the
compact specimen (Fig. 3b). As with the K
test, the clevis has a loading flat at the bottom of the pinhole,
which is essential for free rotation of the specimen. The instrumentation required is the load cell and a
displacement measuring clip gage. The clip gage for the J
test requires more resolution than that for the K
test if a single-specimen test method is used. For the bend specimen, a loadline clip gage is needed to measure
J. Additionally, a second clip gage can be used over the crack mouth if a single-specimen method is used.