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Creep Crack Growth Testing
B.E. Gore, Northwestern University, W. Ren, Air Force Materials Laboratory, P.K. Liaw, The University of Tennessee
Creep-Fatigue Crack Growth Testing
The following description of the experimental test method for creep crack growth tests using a compact
specimen geometry, under cyclic or static loading, is in agreement with the ASTM E 1457 “Standard Test
Method for Measurement of Creep Crack Growth Rates in Metals” (Ref 23). The aforementioned technique
entails applying a constant load to a heated, precracked specimen until significant crack extension or failure
occurs. During the test, the crack length, load, and load-line deflections must be monitored and recorded, and
upon test completion, the final crack length must be measured. Analysis of the test data involves an
examination of the crack growth rate with respect to time, da/dt, in terms of the magnitude of an appropriate
elevated-temperature crack growth parameter (Ref 5, 23). The various crack growth parameters are presented
earlier in this article.
Specimen Configuration and Dimensions. The recommended specimen for creep crack growth testing is the CT
specimen. Figure 3 illustrates the specimen geometry, including details of the design specifications. Although
other configurations have also been used, such as the center-cracked tensile (CCT) panel and the single-edge
notch (SEN) specimen, the CT specimen is considered to be more suitable for creep and creep-fatigue crack
growth testing (Ref 5) and remains most convenient. In terms of suitability, the transition time for extensive
creep conditions to develop is longer in CT than in CCT specimens for the same K and a/W for samples of