The principles of radiation safety have evolved from experience in health physics, which is the study of the biological
effects of ionizing radiation. There are two main aspects of safety: monitoring radiation dosage and protecting personnel.
This section summarizes the major factors involved in both. More detailed information on radiation safety is available in
the Selected References at the end of this article.
Radiation Units. Ordinarily, x-ray and -ray radiation is measured in terms of its ionizing effect on a given quantity of
atoms. The roentgen, as described in the section "Radiation Sources" in this article, is a unit derived on this basis for x-
rays and -rays. However, even though the amount of x-ray and -ray exposure can be quantified in the roentgen unit,
the effects of radiation on the human body also depend on the amount of energy absorbed and the type of radiation.
Consequently, the roentgen equivalent man (rem) unit and the SI-based sievert (Sv) unit have been developed for the
purposes of radiation safety. As described below, these two units include safety factors assigned to the absorbed energy
dose of a particular type of radiation (where the absorbed energy dose is measured either in the radiation absorbed dose,
or rad, unit or the SI-based gray unit).
Rem and Rad Units. The specification of radiation in rems is equal to the product of the rad and a factor known as the
relative biological effectiveness (rbe). The rbe (as established by the U.S. Government) is 1.0 for x-rays, -rays, or
particles; 5.0 for thermal neutrons; 10 for fast neutrons; and 20 for particles. One rad represents the absorption of 100
ergs of energy per gram of irradiated material; it applies to any form of penetrating radiation.
Sievert and Gray Units. A sievert is the SI-based version of the rem unit. The same rbe factors are used, but the
sievert unit is derived from the absorbed dose specified in the SI-based gray (Gy) unit. Because 1 Gy represents the
absorption of one joule of energy per kilogram of material, then 1 Gy = 100 rads and 1 Sv = 100 rem.
Units for X-Rays and -Rays. Because 1 R (which applies only to the ionizing effect of x-rays or -rays)
corresponds to the absorption of only about 83 ergs per gram of air, the unit of 1 R can be considered equal to 0.01 Gy (1
rad) for radiation-safety measurements. With this approach, then, the measurement of x-ray and -ray dose in roentgens
can be considered equivalent to direct measurement of dose in rems because the rbe is equal to one. This considerably
simplifies the process of monitoring dose levels.
Maximum Permissible Dose. Current practice in health physics specifies a threshold value of accumulated dose
above which an individual should not be exposed. The value of this threshold, or maximum permissible dose, increases at
the rate of 0.05 Sv/yr (5 rem/yr) for all persons over the age of 18. This so-called banking concept is based on experience
and assumes that no person will be exposed to penetrating radiation before the age of 18. The total amount of radiation
absorbed by any individual should never exceed his continually increasing accumulated permissible dose; furthermore, no
individual should be exposed to more than 0.12 Sv (12 rem) in any given year, regardless of other factors. For
administrative purposes, maximum permissible dose rate is evaluated for each individual on a quarterly or weekly basis.
The applicable dose rates are 0.0125 Sv (1 rems) per calendar quarter, or about 1 millisievert (1 mSv, or 100 mrem) per
Radiation Protection. The two main factors in radiation protection are controlling the level of radiation exposure and
licensing the facility. The main criterion in controlling radiation exposure is the philosophy outlined in Regulatory Guide
8.10 of the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, which specifies the objective of reducing radiation exposures
to a level as low as reasonably achievable. The licensing process involves the issuance of permission for operating a
radiographic facility; permission may be required from federal, state, and local governments.
The federal licensing program is concerned with those companies that use radioactive isotopes as sources. However, in
some localities, state and local agencies exercise similar regulatory prerogatives. To become licensed under any of these
programs, a facility or operator must show that certain minimum requirements have been met for the protection of both
operating personnel and the general public from excessive levels of radiation. Although local regulations may vary in the
degree and type of protection afforded, certain general principles apply to all.
First, the amount of radiation that is allowed to escape from the area over which the licensee has direct and exclusive
control is limited to an amount that is safe for continuous exposure. In most cases, total dose values of 0.02 mSv (2 mrem)
in 1 h, 1 mSv (100 mrem) in 7 consecutive days, and 5 mSv (500 mrem) in a calendar year can be considered safe. These
values correspond to those adopted by the federal government for radioactive sources and are also applicable under most
local regulations. For purposes of control, unrestricted areas within a given facility are often afforded the same status as