magnitude, while increasing compression increases the amplitude (Fig. 24b)
Fig. 24 Amplitude (peak-to-
peak) of the magabsorption signals graphed as a function of stress (both tension
and compression) for materials with both positive and negative magnetostriction constants. The magnetic
field is applied parallel to the stress direction.
These effects of stress on the peak-to-peak amplitude of the magabsorption signal are exactly the opposite for the
condition in which the direction of the magnetic bias field is perpendicular to the direction of the stress. The behavior of
the magabsorption signal peak-to-peak amplitude with the stress parallel to the direction of the magnetic bias field is
shown in Fig. 24. The maximum stress in each case is below the yield point of the material. The solid lines are for the
increasing stress in Fig. 24, while the broken lines are for the decreasing stress. In most materials, the magabsorption
amplitude for decreasing stress will not follow the curve for increasing stress, because there is a hysteresis.
Applied Stresses in Ferromagnetic Materials. Measurement of the magabsorption signal as a function of stress
has been performed on a variety of specimens. Measurements were made on iron and nickel wire and on a variety of bar
Magabsorption Measurements on Wire. The block diagram of one system used to measure the magabsorption
signal in wires is shown in Fig. 19(a). The detection head consists of an RF coil and a Helmholtz pair of coils that supply
the bias magnetic field parallel to the axis of the wire. The RF magnetic field is also applied parallel to the axis of the
wire. The RF detection coil is fed through a coaxial cable to a marginal oscillator. The output of the marginal oscillator is
the magabsorption signal, and it is applied to the y-axis input of the oscilloscope. A voltage proportional to the current in
the bias field coils is fed to the horizontal input of the oscilloscope.
Another system for measuring the magabsorption signals from wires is a bridge circuit (Fig. 19b). The relative reversible
permeability curves for iron wire, unannealed nickel wire, and annealed nickel wire shown in Fig. 8 were taken with an ac
bridge. The magabsorption curves will also be similar to the curves of the relative reversible permeability.
Measurements of the magabsorption signal were made on iron and nickel wire as a function of stress. For the positive
magnetostriction constant material (iron), the peak-to-peak magnitude of the magabsorption signal from the material
increased with tension and decreased with compression when the bias field was parallel to the applied stress. The reverse
occurred when the material had a negative magnetostriction constant (nickel). When iron and nickel have residual stress
and additional stress is applied, the peak-to-peak magnitude of the magabsorption signal may be less than that for no
residual stress.
Magabsorption Measurements on Bar Specimens. Many measurements with magabsorption detector heads
(such as the one shown in Fig. 20) have been made on bar specimens with the bias field both perpendicular (Fig. 25a) and
parallel (Fig. 25b) to the stress direction.