(Eq 11)
where V
and V
are the peak amplitudes of the bias and RF fields and A
is a multiplier to give the amplitude of the n
harmonic of the magabsorption signal.
With a marginal oscillator as a magabsorption detector, the magabsorption amplitude signal can be obtained with an
amplitude modulation detector. The magabsorption frequency signal, however, will be obtained with a frequency
discriminator or similar frequency demodulator. Both of these voltages from the demodulators will be similar in shape to
the magabsorption curve, and they will be nearly of equal amplitude for the same or similar demodulator constants.
Further, each signal can be described by a Fourier series, as indicated in Eq 10.
General Detection Methods. The magabsorption signal as modulation on a carrier can be detected in three ways.
First, the modulated carrier can be amplified and the modulation recovered by a diode detector, a coherent detector, or a
mixer. This would yield the R component of the magabsorption signal.
In the second method, a receiver or narrow-band amplifier is set to one or more of the sideband frequencies, and the
amplitude of that sideband is detected by amplitude demodulation. For example, if the bias frequency, f
, is 80 Hz and the
RF frequency, f
, is 10 kHz, the magabsorption modulated carrier will have components at 10,160, 10,320, 10,480,
10,640, 9840, 9680, 9520, and 9360 Hz if the magabsorption signal contains only four harmonics. Therefore, the presence
of a magabsorption signal could be detected by a narrow-band amplifier tuned to any one of the frequencies given above.
Because the 10,160 Hz and 9840 Hz components are the strongest, they will provide the most sensitive detection.
The third method is to amplify the voltage across the resonance circuit and to detect the frequency modulation. This
would give the ΔL component of the magabsorption signal. The amplitude demodulation (the first method) gives a
mixture of both the ΔR and the ΔL components of the magabsorption signal. In most cases, however, the ΔR component is
much larger than the ΔL component because the frequency modulation (ΔL) causes only a small amplitude modulation
relative to that caused by ΔR.
The basic magabsorption circuit used with the cylindrical sample of radius a is shown in Fig. 12. The magabsorption
phenomenon causes a change in both the resistance, ΔR, and the inductance, ΔL, of the magabsorption detection coil.
These variations change the coil impedance, Z
, by an amount ΔZ such that Z
= ΔZ + Z
. The magnitude of the voltage
across the parallel resonant circuit at resonance is V
= (L/RC)I
, where I
) cos (ωt), because R
is much larger
than Z
. For all magabsorption measurements, a high-Q coil is used. A high-Q coil is defined as one in which Q = ( L/R)
> 10.
For magabsorption measurements on wire, the filling factor, F, which is the ratio of the volume of the wire sample to the
volume inside of the RF coil, is less than 0.01. This value of the filling factor keeps the loaded Q of the coil also greater
than 10. The theoretical derivation has shown that ΔR ωΔL. Taking into account the above assumptions and because R
10 L
C and ΔR is less than 0.1 R
, the voltage change, ΔV, can be approximated within 1% to be directly
proportional to the ΔR from magabsorption. The change in resonant frequency can also be shown to be directly related to
The Magabsorption Bridge Detector. The voltage across the resonant RF circuit in Fig. 12 is V
+ ΔV. Although the
actual value is approximately 0.1 E
, there may be problems in amplifying V
+ ΔV because of the dynamic range of many
amplifiers. Therefore, the bridge circuit in Fig. 16 has been used to eliminate V
and to give an output of only ΔV. The left
resonant circuit contains the material sample, while the right resonant circuit contains no sample. The rectified voltages
across each resonant circuit are detected, subtracted, filtered, and supplied to the output. With no magabsorption signal,
the output is zero. With a magabsorption signal, the output of the bridge in Fig. 16 is:
(Eq 12)