• 0.75 mm (0.030 in.) surface length where the NDI method is fluorescent penetrant inspection
• 0.25 mm (0.010 in.) surface length where the NDI method is eddy current or ultrasonic inspection
• 1.3 mm
(0.002 in.
) area for imbedded defects utilizing ultrasonic inspection
• 5 mm (0.200 in.) surface length and imbedded sphere = 0.2 × thickness for weldments
When initial flaw sizes are based on material defect distribution, selected size shall encompass 99.99%
of the distribution
• Demonstration that assumed flaw sizes can be reliably detected with a 90% POD and a 95% CL
The capabilities of the NDI method must be demonstrated by the contractor. The design of NDE reliability experiments is
discussed in the article "NDE Reliability Data Analysis" in this Volume.
Residual strength is defined as the load-carrying capability of a component at any time during the service exposure
period, considering the presence of damage and accounting for the growth of damage as a function of exposure time. The
requirement is to provide limit load residual strength capability throughout the service life of the component. In other
words, the minimum residual strength for each component (and location) must be equal to the maximum stress that occurs
within the applicable stress spectra based on the design duty cycle. Normal or expected overspeed due to control system
tolerance and engine deterioration is included in the residual strength requirement, but fail-safe conditions, such as burst
margin, are excluded. The residual strength requirement is illustrated in Fig. 5.
Inspection Intervals. It is highly desirable to have no
damage tolerance inspections required during the design
lifetime of the engine. This in-service noninspectable
classification requires that components be designed such
that the residual life or safety limit be twice the design life.
Designing components as in-service noninspectable is a
requirement for those components or locations that cannot
be inspected during the depot maintenance cycle.
However, the weight penalty incurred to achieve a safety
limit/residual life/damage growth interval twice the design
life may be prohibitive on some components/locations.
Therefore, in-service inspections will be allowed on some
components subject to justification. The basis for the
justification is characterization of the costs as a function of
the requirements as established by trade studies. Cost is
usually expressed in terms of weight or life cycle cost, and
the requirement in terms of safety limit/residual
life/damage growth interval.
The depot or base-level inspection interval for damage
tolerance considerations should be compatible with the
overall engine maintenance plan. Once again, it is highly
desirable that the inspection interval be equal to the design
service life of the parts in the hot gas path (that is, the hot-
part design service life, which is equal to one-half the
design lifetime of the engine) because this is the expected
minimum depot or maintenance interval for the engine or
module. It is required that the minimum damage tolerance
inspection interval be contained in the contract
Flaw Growth. It is required that the assumed initial flaw sizes will not grow to critical size and cause failure of a
component due to the application of the required residual strength load in two times the inspection interval. The flaw
growth interval is set equal to two times the inspection interval to provide a margin for a variability that exists in the total
process (that is, inspection reliability, material properties, usage, stress predictions, and so on). Factors other than two
should be used when individual assessments of the variables that affect crack growth can be made (for example, to
account for observed scatter in crack growth during testing).
Fig. 5 Diagram of the residual strength requirement