dopants, 123
eutectic reactions and, 347–348
grain growth, 146, 243–244
joining, 247–248, 279–280
melting, 146
oxidization, 124
primary, 258
secondary, 258
sintering, 146
solidification and, 258–259, 271–280
strain hardening, 115, 225–256
surface hardening, 123
synthesis and, 2, 19
Pseudoplastics (shear thinning), 159, 182
Pultrusion, 568, 581
PZT ceramics, 9, 11
Quantum numbers, 28–29, 47
Quenching, 365–366, 401–406, 430
age hardening, 365–366
continuous cooling transformation
(CCT) diagrams for, 405–406
cracks, 404
heat treatment as, 401–406, 430
rate, 405
tempering and, 401–406
Radius ratios, interstitial sites, 75–76
Rapid solidification, 55, 268–269, 285
Rate of di¤usion, 130–133
Reaction injection molding (RIM), 535
Recalescence, 269–270, 285
Recovery, 242–243, 251
Recrystallization, 243, 244–246, 251
Recycling polymers, 531, 537
Refractories, ceramic, 488–490
Refractory metals, 462–463, 464
Repeat distance, 67, 85
Residual stresses, 237–239, 251, 404
Risers, 272–273, 285
Rockwell hardness (HR) test, 175
Rolling process, 229
Rotating cantilever beam test for, 208, 221
Rovings of fibers, 566,581
Rubber, see Elastomers
Rule of mixtures, 548, 553
Rupture time (t
), 218–219, 221
S-N curve, 208–209, 221
Sand casting, 274–275, 285
Sandwich structures, 578–579, 581
Schmid’s law, 105–108, 118
Screw dislocations, 98, 118
Second stage graphitization (SSG), 425,
Secondary bonds, 37–38, 47
Secondary dendrite arm spacing (SDAS),
267–269, 285
Secondary hardening peak, 412, 430
Segregation of elements, 316, 319
Self-di¤usion, 127–128, 149
Semiconductors, 5, 8–9, 19, 30–32, 47
atomic structure groups of, 30–32, 47
material properties of, 5, 8–9, 19
Sensitization, 421, 430
Shape-memory alloys (SMAs), 380, 386
Shear modulus (G), 156, 182
Shear strain rate, 157, 182
Sheet texture, 236, 251
Short-range atomic order (SRO), 22, 24,
47, 52–53
Shot peening, 238, 251
Shottky defects, 97, 118
Shrinkage, 272–274, 285
cavities, 272–273
interdendritic, 274
pipe, 272–273
porosity, 274
risers, 272–273
solidification defects, as, 272–274
Sievert’s law, 274, 285
Single crystals (SC), 11, 53, 56, 58–60,
63, 278, 491
casting and, 278
ceramics, 491
growth, 278
long-range atomic arrangements of
(LRO), 53
simple cubic (SC) structures, 56, 58–
60, 63
Single-phase alloys, 292, 319
Sintered ceramics, 146, 149, 473–476,
di¤usion and, 146, 149
grains and grain boundaries, 477–478
porosity, 478–479
sintering process for, 473–476
Sizing fibers, 563, 581
Slip, 100–102, 104, 105–109, 115,
control of, 115
critical resolved shear stress (t
cross-slip, 109
crystal structure and, 108–109
direction, 100–101, 118
dislocations, 100–102, 104, 118
mechanical properties, e¤ects on from,
number of systems, 109
plane, 100–102, 104, 118
Schmid’s law, 105–108, 118
systems, 100–102, 104, 105–108
Slip casting, 472, 476–477, 494
Small angle grain boundaries, 113, 118
Smart materials, 11, 19
Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE),
Sodium chloride (NaCl) structure, 77
Soldering, 279, 285
Solid solutions, 115–116, 291–323, 331–
341, 371, 448–449, 453
alloys, 314–318, 331 –332, 448–449,
degree of strengthening, 302
dispersion strengthening ( b) and, 331–
eutectic phase diagrams and, 331–341
eutectoid reactions in, 371
Gibbs phase rule, 293, 318
isomorphous phase diagrams, 303–
311, 318
limited solubility of, 297–298, 319
material properties, e¤ect of
strengthening on, 302–303
phase diagrams, 294–295, 303–314,
319, 331–341
phases, 292–296, 319
polymeric systems and, 298–299
solidification of alloys, 314–317
solubility and, 296–300, 319
strain hardening and, 115
strengthening (a), 115–116, 301–303,
319, 331–341, 448–449, 453
unlimited solubility of, 296–297, 299–
300, 319
Solid-state reactions, 358–362, 370–380
Avrami relationship, 359
dispersion strengthening ( b) and, 358–
eutectoid reactions, 370–380
growth, 358
kinetics and, 359
nucleation, 358
temperature e¤ects on, 359–362
Solidification, 257–290, 314–317
bulk metallic glasses (NMG), 280–
282, 283
casting, 271–278
Chvorinov’s rule, 266, 283
cooling curves, 269–270, 314–316
defects, 272–274
di¤usion and, 314–315
directional (DS), 277–278, 283
front, 264, 285
gas porosity, 247, 284
glasses, 279, 280–282
growth mechanisms, 264–269, 284
inorganic glasses, 279
joining processes, 279–280
latent heat of fusion, 261–262, 284,
material processing and, 258–259
nonequilibrium, 315–317
nucleation, 259–264, 285