Glass-ceramics, 5, 8, 18, 258–259, 284,
485–487, 493
material properties of, 5, 8, 18
process for production of, 485–487
solidification and, 258–259
transformation diagrams for, 485–486
Glasses, 5, 8, 18, 54–55, 198, 279, 280–
282, 479–485
amorphous materials, as, 54–55
bulk metallic (BMG), 280–282
conchoidal fracture surface, 198
fracture in, microstructural features
of, 198
inorganic, 279, 479–485
material properties of, 5, 8, 18
metallic, 55, 280–282
solidification of, 279, 280–282
Glazes, 469, 493
Grain boundaries, 11–12, 18, 53, 110–
114, 117, 138–140, 149, 477–478
di¤usion, 138–140, 149
grain size and, 110–113
image analysis of, 112
metallography and, 111–112
polycrystalline materials and, 11–12,
18, 53
sintered ceramics and, 477–478
small angle, 113
surface defects and, 110–114, 117
thermal grooving for, 112
Grain growth, 146, 149, 243–244
annealing and, 243–244
di¤usion and, 146, 149
Grain size, 110–113, 116, 264, 284, 375–
American Society for Testing and
Materials (ASTM) number, 112–113
eutectoid reactions, control of in, 375–
grain boundaries and, 110–113
Hall-Petch equation for, 110–111
imperfections and, 110–114, 116
inoculants, 264, 284
nucleation and, 264
recrystallization, 246
refinement, 264, 284
strengthening, 116, 264
yield strength (s
) and, 110–111
Grains, 11–12, 18, 53, 110, 117
Gray cast iron, 423–425, 429
Green ceramics, 472, 493
Gri‰th flaw (crack), 192–194, 221
Grossman chart, 411
Growth, 264–269, 284, 358. See also
Grain growth
Chvorinov’s rule, 266, 283
dendritic, 265–267
planar, 264–265
rapid solidification processing, 268–269
secondary dendrite arm spacing
(SDAS), 267 –269
solid-state reactions, 358
solidification mechanisms, 264–269
solidification time, 267–269
specific heat, 264
Guinier-Preston (GP) zones, 367, 386
Hall-Petch equation, 110–111, 117
Hardenability, 406–412, 415–417, 429
alloying elements and, 406–409
curves, 409, 429
Grossman chart, 411
Jominy test, 409–412
surface treatments for, 415–417
Hardness, 174–176, 181
Brinell test, 174–175
Knoop (HK) test, 176
macrohardness, 174, 176
nanohardness, 176
Rockwell (HR) test, 175
tests for, 174–176, 181
Heat-a¤ected zone (HAZ), 247
Heat deflection (distortion) temperature,
Heat treatment, 391–435. See also Hot
alloying elements for, 406–409
annealing, 396–397, 398–400, 423, 428
austenitizing, 396–397, 428
cast irons, 422–427, 429
hardenability, 406–412, 429
isothermal, 398–401, 430
normalizing, 396–397, 430
process annealing, 396, 430
process annealing, 396, 430
quenching, 401–406, 430
spheroidizing, 397–398, 430
stainless steels, 418–421, 431
steels, 392–397, 412–418
surface treatments, 415–417
tempering, 401–406, 408–409, 431
weldability, 417–418
Heterogeneous nucleation, 263, 284
Hexagonal close-packed structure
(HCP), 61 –63, 70–72
crystal structure of, 61–63
Miller-Bravais indices for, 70–72
High-strength-low-alloy (HSLA) steels,
Homogeneous nucleation, 261–263, 284
Homogenization heat treatment, 316, 318
Honeycombs, 578–579, 581
Hooke’s law, 165, 181
Hot isostatic pressing (HIP), 474–476, 494
Hot metal, 391, 429
Hot shortness, 316, 318
Hot working, 235–236, 248–250
anisotropic behavior from, 235–236,
dimensional accuracy of, 250
imperfections, elimination of, 249
strengthening, lack of, 248–249
surface finish, 249–250
Hume-Rothery rules, 299–300, 318
Hydrogen bonds, 37, 46
Hydroplastic forming, 487, 494
Hypereutectic alloys, 338–341, 350
Hypoeutectic alloys, 338–340, 351
Image analysis of grain boundaries, 112,
Impact, 157, 176–177, 177–180, 181–
182, 191, 522–523
behavior, 176–177, 522–523
Charpy test for, 176–177
ductile to brittle transition
temperature (DBBT), 177–178, 179
energy, 176, 181
fracture toughness, 176, 191
Izod test for, 176–177
loading, 157, 181
notch sensitivity, 178
strain rate e¤ects and, 157, 176–177
stress–strain diagrams and, 178–179
tests, 176–180, 181, 191
toughness, 176, 182
Imperfections, 90–121, 249
atomic and ionic arrangements and,
defects, 90–98, 109–116, 117
dislocations, 98–105, 117
grain boundaries, 110–114, 117
grain-size strengthening, 116
hot working processes, elimination of
in, 249
material properties, e¤ects on from,
mechanical properties, e¤ects on from,
point defects, 91–98, 118
Schmid’s law, 105–108, 118
slip, 100–102, 104, 105–108, 115,
solid-solution strengthening, 115–116
strain hardening, 115
surface defects, 109–114, 118
Impurities, 91, 117
Ingot casting, 271, 276, 284
Injection molding, 476, 533–534
Inoculation, 264, 284, 427, 429
Inorganic glasses, 279, 479–485
compositions of, 484–485
glass temperature (T
), 479–480
modified silicate, 480–484
silicate, 480
Interatomic energy (IAE), 40–41, 42–43
Interatomic spacing, 40–44, 46