Solutions of exercises 47
iii) Show that the function x 7−→
1 + x
is 1-Lipschitz on R, i.e.,
1 + y
1 + x
¶ |y − x|. (1.8)
iv) Show that Φ is a contracting map if a is sufficiently small.
v) Show that there exists a u nique solution to the Cauchy problem. Give an explicit
iterative method to solve the system numerically (Picard iterations).
Remark 1.79 In general, all this detailed work need not be done: the Cauchy-Lipschitz theorem
states that for any continous function ψ(x, y) which is locally Lipschitz w ith respect to the
second variable, the Cauchy problem
= ψ(t, y),
has a unique maximal solution (i.e., a solution defined on a maximal interval).
Solution of exercise 1.2. The energy of the circuit at the beginning of th e experiment is
the energy contained in the charged capacitor, namely E = Q
/2C . At equilibrium, when
[t → ∞], no current flows, and the charge of each capacitor is Q /2 (it is possible to write
down the necessary differential equations and solve them to check this). Thus the final energy
is E
= 2(Q/2)
/C = E/2. The energy which is dissipated by the Joule effect (computed by
the integral
(t) dt, whe re t 7→ i(t) is the current flowing through the circuit at time t)
is of course e qual to E − E
, and does not depend on R.
However, if R = 0, one observes oscill ations of charge in each c apacitor. The total energy
of the system is conserved (it is not possible to compute it from relations in a quasi-stationary
regime; one must take magnetic fields into account!). In particular, as [t → +∞], the initial
energy is recovered. The explanation for this apparent contradiction is similar to what hap-
pened for Romeo and Juliet: the time to reach equilibrium is of order 2/RC and tends to
infinity as [R → 0]. This is a t ypical situation where the limits [R → 0] and [t → +∞] do
not commute.
Finally, if we c arry the computations even farther, it is possible to take into account the
electromagnetic radiation due to the variati o ns of the elect ric and magnetic fields. There is
again some loss of energy, and for [t → +∞], the final energy E − E
= E/2 is recovered.
Solution of exercise 1.3. Light sources are never purely monochromatic; otherwise there
would indeed be no spatial coherence problem. What happens is that light is emitted in wave
packets, and the spectrum of the source necessarily has a certain width ∆λ > 0 (in a typical
example, t his is order of magnitude ∆ν = 10
, corresponding to a coherence length o f a
few microns for a standard light-bulb; the coherence length of a small He-Ne laser is around
thirty centi meters, and that of a monomode laser can be several miles). All computations must
be done first with ∆λ 6= 0 before taking a limit ∆λ → 0. Thus, surprising ly, spatial coherence
is also a matter of temporal coherence. This is often hidden, with the motto being “si nce the
sources are not coherent, I must work by summing intensities instead of amplitudes.”
In fact, when considering an interference figure, one must always sum amplitudes, and t hen
(this may be a memory from your optics course, or an occasion to read Born and Wolf [14])
perform a time average over a period ∆t, which may be very small, but not too much (depending
on the receptor; the eyes are pretty bad in this respect, an electronic receptor is better, but none
can have ∆t = 0).