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DIRECTIONS: Find the errors in the selection below. Some word groups may contain more than one
error. As you identify each error, write in the space the number of the word group containing the
error. Then, edit the selection to correct the errors.
One fragment One spelling error
One run-on One dash error
One pronoun error One semicolon error
One parallelism error One parentheses error
One apostrophe error One use of inappropriately informal
or casual language
1 One of the most common affl ictions people have is an allergy to pets. 2 Some whom are allergic
simply refuse to have pets that can trigger a reaction, these pets include cats, dogs, birds, rabbits,
gerbils, hamsters, and horses. 3 Instead, allergic people may keep pets that do not ordinarily cause
an allergic reaction, such as fi sh, turtles, frogs, and lizards. 4 However, most pet-allergic people
who are ga-ga about pets just go ahead and bring them into their homes anyway. 5 For these pet-
allergic pet lovers, there are some good ways to reduce the allergens in a home to tolerable levels.
6 Allergens are spread from a pets saliva, urine, skin secretions, and dander the dead skin
particles that animals continually shed. 7 These allergens disperse directly into the air. 8 The best
way to minimize pet allergies is to limit where the pet goes in the home.
9 Here is the single most
important rule; no pets in the bedroom. 10 Also, keep pets off of the furniture; instead — get a dog
or cat its own fl oor cushion, and choose a cushion with a washable cover.
11 Rabbits, birds, gerbils,
and hamsters need to be in their cages.
12 Another key is to thoroughly and frequently clean the
Editing Review Test 9
The Four Most Serious Errors (Chapters 22–26);
Other Grammar Concerns (Chapters 27–33);
Word Use (Chapters 34–36); Punctuation and
Capitalization (Chapters 37–41)
ANK_47574_42_ch41_pp723-740 r4 rp.indd 736ANK_47574_42_ch41_pp723-740 r4 rp.indd 736 10/29/08 10:26:38 AM10/29/08 10:26:38 AM