Chapter 40 • Other Punctuation 709
Edit Paragraphs and Your Own Writing
Edit the following paragraphs by adding semicolons, colons, parentheses,
dashes, and hyphens where needed. Keep in mind that more than one
type of punctuation may be acceptable in some places.
EDITING REVIEW 1 (15 errors)
(1) To avoid predators, many butterfl ies and moths randomly change
directions as they fl y about, but this is not their only strategy they also
display striking colors like radiant and shiny reds, oranges, and blues and
camoufl age themselves in effective disguises. (2) For example, some but-
terfl ies have streaks composed of many dazzling colors across their wings
to emphasize the speed of their fl ight sending a message that they’re hard
to catch. (3) Other butterfl ies use bold, attention getting color patterns to
signal that they are poisonous to eat Some are truly poisonous and some
are faking. (4) There are also species that attempt to look distasteful by
imitating something that is not nutritious a bit of bird dropping, a dead
leaf, or rotting vegetation. (5) One moth, Oxytenis modestia, is especially
enterprising in its disguises In its fi rst four caterpillar stages it looks like
a bird dropping, even including fake seeds in it the fi fth stage imitates
a green snake with a fake large head and two fake eyes and the adult
Oxytenis moth looks like a leaf, and because it breeds twice a year, mimics
the appropriate leaf for the season. (6) Oxytenis moths that hatch in the
dry season look like dry dead leaves those hatching in the rainy season
look dark and moldy. (7) Several butterfl ies combine camoufl age with eye
catching display for example, Pieria helvetia has front wings that are bland
and dull, but its hind wings are bright red. (8) When it is resting, its wings
are closed, and it can hardly be seen, but when a predator threatens, it
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