224 Part Two • Writing Different Kinds of Essays
Classifi cation in College
The following student essay was written for an English composition class.
The following words are italicized in the excerpt: skeptical, validity,
strive, trendsetter, ruthless, compassionate, individualists, adaptable,
tactful, downside, procrastinate, horoscope. If you don’t know their
meanings, look them up in a dictionary.
Danny Fitzgerald
1 In Japan, the question “What’s your blood type?” is as common as
“What’s your sign?” in the United States. Some Japanese researchers
claim that people’s personalities can be classifi ed by their blood types.
You may be skeptical about this method of classifi cation, but don’t judge
its validity before you read the descriptions the researchers have put
together. Do you see yourself ?
2 If you have blood type O, you are a leader. When you see some-
thing you want, you strive to achieve your goal. You are passionate,
loyal, and self-confi dent, and you are often a trendsetter. Your enthusi-
asm for projects and goals spreads to others, who happily follow your
lead. When you want something, you may be ruthless about getting it or
blind to how your actions affect others.
3 Another blood type, A, is typically associated with a social person. You
like people and work well with them. You are sensitive, patient, compas-
sionate, and affectionate. You are a good peacekeeper because you want
everyone to be happy. In a team situation, you resolve confl icts and keep
things on a smooth course. Sometimes type A’s are stubborn and fi nd it
diffi cult to relax. They may fi nd it uncomfortable to do things alone.
4 People with type B blood are usually individualists who like to do things
on their own. You may be creative and adaptable, and you usually say
exactly what you mean. Although you can adapt to situations, you
may choose not to do so because of your strong independent streak.
You may prefer working on your own to being part of a team.
Read this essay aloud,
give students a few
minutes to respond to
the questions in writ-
ing, and discuss the
responses as a group.
Ask students what
other organizing prin-
ciples they might use
to classify personalities
(for example, birth
PAUSE: What do
you expect the rest
of the essay to be
PAUSE: Do you
know people who
fall into these cate-
gories? Do you
think blood type
determines what
category they fall
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