Chapter 15 • Defi nition 245
Defi nition in Everyday Life
The following words are italicized in the excerpt: anesthetic, recon-
struction, resin, retainer, adhesive, mimic, minimally, invasive, en-
hanced, persist. If you don’t know their meanings, look them up in a
Rebecca Skloot
1 Last year, if you walked into your dentist’s offi ce saying, “Hey, Doc,
can you make my teeth look like Cameron Diaz’s or Brad Pitt’s?” the
answer would have been, “Yeah, sure — with a lot of anesthetic, drilling,
and permanent reconstruction.” But things have changed.
2 Meet the Snap-On Smile — a thin, fl exible, resin shell of perfect
teeth that snaps over your actual teeth like a retainer. No adhesive, no
drilling. Its inventor, Marc Liechtung, is a dentist at Manhattan Dental
Arts, where you can walk in on a Monday, make a painless plaster mold
of your teeth, and then pick up your new smile by Friday. All for $1,200
to $1,600. Patients can work with a “smile guide” to choose one of
seventeen colors (“yellow-white,” “yellow-gray,” even “Extreme White
Buyer Beware”) and eighteen shapes (“squared,” “square-round,”
“pointy”). But many patients just hand Liechtung a celebrity photo and
say, “Make my teeth look like this.” So he does. But he wants to make
one thing clear: “I did not come up with the Snap-On Smile so people
could mimic celebrities.”
3 His goal was an affordable, minimally invasive dental tool. “I had
patients with almost no teeth who didn’t have $20,000 for reconstruc-
tion,” he says. So this year, after months in the lab, he unveiled Snap-On
Smiles. He is licensing them to dentists and has sold more than three
hundred to his own patients, many of whom have perfectly healthy (and
often straight) teeth.
4 People don’t ask Liechtung whether the Snap-On causes permanent
damage (it doesn’t) or whether you can eat with it (you can — even corn
PAUSE: What do
you expect the next
paragraph to be
PAUSE: Why might
he have invented
the Snap-On Smile?
PAUSE: Why would
someone with
healthy teeth buy a
Snap-On Smile?
MODES: Note the use
of description within
the defi nition.
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