102 Part One • How to Read and Write in College
Fires caused by human carelessness often have disastrous effects on
people’s lives. In a recent incident, when an apartment building was
completely destroyed by a fi re, the owner and tenants had no homes to
return to. They also lost all of their possessions: furniture, clothing, and
treasured personal items that could never be replaced. Worse than that,
however, was that the owner and many of the tenants had no insurance
to help them fi nd new housing and replace their possessions. Many had
to depend completely on relatives, friends, and a fund that was started
for them by neighbors. The most disastrous effect of the fi re, however,
was that a fi refi ghter lost his life. The thirty-year-old man had a wife
and three young children who were robbed of their loved one. Careless-
ness has no place around fi re, which has the power to destroy.
What is this writer’s most important point about the effects of fi res?
Fires can cause loss of life.
As you arrange your ideas, consider what your purpose for writing is
and what kind of organization would work best to make your main point.
Some examples follow in the chart.
To describe an experience Chronological
To explain how something works
To explain how to do something
To help your reader visualize whatever you are
describing as you see it
To create an impression using your senses — taste,
touch, sight, smell, sound
To re-create a scene
To persuade or convince someone Importance
To make a case for or against something
Practice Making a Plan
When you have decided how to order your ideas, make a written plan — an
outline — starting with your thesis statement. Then state each of your pri-
mary support points as a topic sentence for one of the body paragraphs of
the essay. Add supporting details to develop or explain the topic sentence.
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