64 Atmospheric radiation
electric field in the neighbourhood of the molecule. For such a ‘dipole transition’ to occur,
the dipole moment must change between the initial and final state. The quantum-mechanical
selection rule for a diatomic molecule states that, in a dipole transition from one vibrational
state to another, v can only increase or decrease by unity (v =±1), corresponding to an
energy change E =±hν
We now consider the rotation of the same diatomic molecule, ignoring vibrations so that
x = x
. Classically, the molecule has a moment of inertia I = m
and can rotate with any
angular momentum. The quantum-mechanical analysis of the system is similar to that for
the angular structure of the hydrogen atom, for example. It is found that the only allowed
values of the squared angular momentum are
J(J +1) where J is an integer, the rotational
quantum number,and = h/(2π). The corresponding energy levels are given by
J(J + 1)
,whereJ = 0, 1, 2, ...; (3.18)
these levels are degenerate, with 2J + 1 states corresponding to each energy value E
Rotational dipole transitions can occur only if the molecule has a nonzero permanent electric
dipole moment. The selection rule in this case is J =±1.
Equations (3.17) and (3.18) illustrate the fact that, when quantum mechanics is taken into
account, only discrete (quantised) energy levels are allowed for vibrational and rotational
states of the simple diatomic molecule. Furthermore, transitions between these quantised
levels, associated with absorption or emission of photons, must lead to energy differences
E and hence photon frequencies ν = E/h that are also discrete in nature.
The treatment of molecules with more than two atoms is more complex; however, for
future reference we mention that the vibrational normal modes of linear, symmetric triatomic
molecules (such as carbon dioxide) and certain triatomic molecules that are not linear (such
as water vapour and ozone) take fairly simple forms, as illustrated in Figure 3.8.These
normal modes are designated by the labels ν
, ν
and ν
, as shown, and corresponding
vibrational quantum numbers v
, v
and v
are used to represent the different excitations
of each mode.
Wavelengths hc/E
associated with transitions between pure vibrational states are
typically between about 1 and 20 μm and hence mostly in the thermal infra-red. Wave-
lengths hc/E
associated with transitions between pure rotational states would be of order
μm, in the far infra-red and microwave regions. In general, however, both vibra-
tional and rotational energies change during a transition. The fact that the rotational energy
differences are so much smaller than the vibrational energy differences means that, in terms
of atmospheric spectra, rotational effects lead to ‘fine-structure splitting’ of vibrational
spectral lines. Transitions from rotational sub-levels of one vibrational level to rotational
sub-levels of another vibrational level therefore give rise to complex vibration–rotation
spectral bands in the infra-red.
A very important consequence of the results stated above is that dipole transitions
cannot occur for diatomic molecules with identical nuclei, such as the two most prevalent
atmospheric gases N
and O
. Symmetric molecules of this type have zero dipole moments
and hence cannot interact directly with thermal infra-red radiation, through either vibrational
or rotational transitions. The same is true of transitions involving only excitations of the