42 Atmospheric thermodynamics
During the ascent of a radiosonde the temperature T is measured at a series of pressure
levels p, and these can be plotted on the tephigram, to give the environment curve.
Straight-line segments are drawn between each point, rather than a smooth curve. This
gives a representation of a vertical column of atmosphere – but note that this may be
slightly misleading, since the balloon takes some time to ascend and also blows some
distance downwind as it does so. The dew point is also plotted at each pressure level,
giving a separate curve. Equation (2.43) then allows us to find the mixing ratio μ at any
pressure level on the environment curve, given the corresponding dew point: we just read
off the value of μ
at the same pressure on the dew point curve.
Many useful results can be obtained from the environment and dew point curves, includ-
ing inferences about the onset of instability and the formation of clouds: see Problems 2.12
and 2.13.
2.10 Cloud formation
In the previous sections we have considered only the case of a flat interface between liquid
and vapour. However, this is not directly relevant for the formation of cloud droplets, which
are approximately spherical. We shall show in this section that it is essential to allow for the
effects of surface tension on cloud droplets. A further finding is that large supersaturation
(a vapour pressure e significantly greater than the SVP e
, or a relative humidity significantly
greater than 100%) is required if cloud droplets are to form spontaneously from water
vapour: in fact small particles (cloud condensation nuclei) are usually needed in the
formation process.
For including the effects of surface tension, we introduce the Gibbs free energy
G = U − TS + pV
and note that, using equation (2.16),
δG =−S δT + V δp. (2.52)
Consider a water droplet immersed in water vapour, at partial pressure e and temperature
T (the remaining ‘dry air’ plays no role and can be ignored). Suppose that the liquid and
vapour are not in equilibrium, so that e = e
(T), the SVP.
Suppose that the Gibbs free
energy per unit mass of the vapour is G
(T, e) and that of the liquid is G
(T, e). Now let the
partial pressure be varied slightly from e to e + δe, while the temperature is held constant.
From equation (2.52) it follows that there are small changes to G
and G
= V
δe, δG
= V
It can be shown that the difference in pressure between the droplet and the surrounding vapour, due to surface
tension, can be ignored here; see Salby (1996), Section 9.2.1.