13 Some atmospheric observations
than the surrounding air and tends to fall, while the air in a wave trough is lighter than the
surrounding water and tends to rise. We can imagine the smooth vertical density variation in
the atmosphere to be approximated by a stack of thin fluid layers, whose densities decrease
with height. The surface-wave mechanism operates at each density interface, so now the
wave can propagate vertically as well as horizontally.
The particular type of gravity wave shown in Figure 1.7 is called an inertia–gravity wave
(see Section 5.4); it is actually of large enough horizontal scale (a few hundred kilometres)
and period to be influenced to some extent by the Earth’s rotation. These measurements
provide an unusually clear example of a sinusoidal oscillation: in most cases, too many
other dynamical processes are occurring in the atmosphere for waves to be very easily
identified, and careful data analysis must be performed to isolate them.
Perhaps surprisingly, the downward phase progression of the waves in Figure 1.7 indi-
cates upward propagation of ‘information’ by the waves (i.e. an upward group velocity).
Gravity waves will be studied in detail in Section 5.4 and, among other things, it will be
shown that this type of wave is dispersive; the phase and group velocities can therefore be
in different directions. This is just one of the ways in which the propagation characteris-
tics of the atmospheric waves studied in this book differ from those of the more familiar
non-dispersive waves such as electromagnetic waves in a vacuum.
Gravity waves are generated in many different ways, including by air flow over mountains
and by convective activity in the troposphere. Waves generated in the lower atmosphere may
propagate upwards into the stratosphere and mesosphere. As the background air density
decreases, the amplitudes of the wave fluctuations in wind (and associated fluctuations in
temperature and density) will rise. As a result, gravity waves may attain large amplitudes
in the mesosphere and exert a considerable influence on the mean atmospheric state there.
1.4.3 Rossby waves
Figure 1.8 depicts the temperature in the Northern Hemisphere, at a level near 24 km
altitude, during a period when the stratosphere was disturbed by a vigorous dynamical
event known as a stratospheric warming. A cold region is located on one side of the pole
(roughly along 0
E) and a warm region on the other (roughly along 180
E). Moving around
a latitude circle near the pole, we find that the temperature varies roughly sinusoidally with
longitude, one wavelength encompassing 360
of longitude. The fact that the cold part
of the disturbance is smaller and stronger than the warm part shows that the fluctuation
is not exactly sinusoidal. However, the phenomenon is wave-like in many respects and is
an example of the Rossby wave mentioned in Section 1.1. The horizontal wavelength is
several thousand kilometres in extent and the wave’s dynamics are quite different from
those of the gravity wave. The propagation mechanism is rather subtle, depending both on
the rotation and on the curvature of the Earth; the details are given in Section 5.5. Rossby
waves, like gravity waves, are dispersive.
Several types of Rossby wave are observed in the atmosphere. Some are stationary,
that is, their wave patterns are fixed with respect to the Earth; since they are dispersive