53 Basic physical concepts
In the atmosphere, the relevant photons fall naturally into two classes.
• Solar (or short-wave) photons, emitted by the Sun; these correspond to ultra-violet,
visible and near infra-red wavelengths between about 0.1 and 4 μm.
• Thermal (or long-wave) photons, emitted by the atmosphere or the Earth’s surface; these
correspond mainly to thermal infra-red and far infra-red wavelengths, between about 4
and 100 μm.
These two wavelength ranges represent spectral regions of significant black-body emission
at temperatures of about 6000 K (a temperature representative of the solar photosphere)
and 288 K (the Earth’s mean surface temperature), respectively; see Section 3.1.1.
To study the effects of atmospheric radiation, it is necessary to investigate the interaction
between photons and atmospheric gases. One way in which solar photons may be lost is by
interaction with molecules at certain discrete frequencies, each frequency ν corresponding
to an orbital transition of an electron to a higher energy level according to the formula
E = hν,whereE is the difference in energy levels and h is Planck’s constant. (The
corresponding wavelength λ is given by λ = c/ν = hc/E,wherec is the speed of light.)
However, the resulting excited state has a limited lifetime and the excitation energy may
be lost again in one of two ways.
(a) The electron falls back to the ground state, re-emitting a photon of the same energy
and frequency as the original photon, but in a random direction. This process is called
radiative decay.
(b) At sufficiently high pressures, molecular collisions are likely to occur before re-
emission takes place, leading to transfer of the excitation energy E to other forms of
energy: the photon is then said to have been absorbed. If kinetic energy is produced in
the process, this will quickly be shared between molecules by collisional interactions
and (since thermal energy is the macroscopic expression of molecular kinetic energy)
local heating of the atmosphere takes place. This transfer of photon energy to heat is
called thermalisation or quenching.
Radiative decay, defined in (a), is an example of the scattering of a photon of a given,
discrete, frequency by an atmospheric molecule. More important for atmospheric physics,
however, is the scattering of photons, over broad ranges of frequencies, by atmospheric
molecules and by solid or liquid particles in suspension in the atmosphere. (A suspension
of this kind is called an aerosol.) In the case of scattering by molecules, whose dimensions
are much less than the wavelength of the solar radiation, we have Rayleigh scattering (see
Section 7.3.2 for more details). In the case of scattering by aerosol particles such as dust
and smog, whose dimensions are comparable to the wavelength of the solar radiation, we
have the more complex Mie scattering. For scattering by particles such as cloud droplets
or raindrops, which are much larger than the wavelength of the solar radiation, geometric
optics applies; this describes optical phenomena such as rainbows and haloes.
The term extinction is used to denote loss of energy from an incoming photon. This can
occur either by absorption or by scattering.
Absorption of solar photons may also cause photo-dissociation, i.e. the breakdown of
the molecules, leading to photochemical reactions, and photo-ionisation, in which outer