15Amaro Forests - Chap 13 1/8/03 11:52 am Page 144
144 G. Deckmyn et al.
Forests play an important role in the global carbon (C) cycle (Schimel, 1995). The
importance of forests to atmospheric CO
levels was acknowledged in the commit-
ments for greenhouse gas emission reductions negotiated in 1997 in the Kyoto
Protocol (UNFCCC, 1998; Schlamadinger and Marland, 2000) but accurate estima-
tions of C stocks and fluxes are still lacking. The need to estimate and predict C
sequestration in forests has stimulated the development of forest models.
The purpose of the present study was firstly to simulate the current growth of
an old, mixed for
est, using the plot-scale process model
SECRETS (Sampson et al.,
2001) on multiple forest patches. As a case study, the Meerdaalwoud, a mixed decid-
uous–coniferous forest in central Belgium, was used. Secondly, the model was used
to predict how the current changes in management options would affect growth and
yield in the coming 150 years, under both current and global change scenarios.
Finally, the obtained growth and yield data were used to calculate the total C bal-
ance of the system, including the sequestration in forest products and the substitu-
tion for fossil fuels using
GORCAM (Graz Oak Ridge Carbon Accounting Model;
Schlamadinger et al., 1997).
State of the Art
A multitude of forest growth models have been developed, ranging from very sim-
ple, deterministic to sophisticated process-based models (McMurtrie and
Landsberg, 1992; Lüdeke et al., 1994; Tiktak and van Grinsven, 1995). There are mod-
els operating at different scales, from the single tree (Jarvis, 1993) to the regional
scale (Cao and Woodward, 1998). At present it is possible to simulate and predict the
growth of a single tree in a forest, in detail, with good reliability (Wang and Jarvis,
1990; Jarvis, 1993). The models to do this, however, require an enormous input of
parameters and they are generally not easily scaled-up to a total forest. On the other
hand, forest-scale models are well able to simulate so-called normal forest. They
consist of monospecific, uniform, even-aged stands on identical sites with stands of
each age class equally represented. Such modelling results are very relevant to the
understanding of forest growth, for large-scale yield predictions and to aid manage-
ment decisions. However, many multiple-use woodlands in urbanized Western
Europe have a distinctive structure. Due to continuous changes in silvicultural treat-
ment, and the choice of tree species over the years, and due to differences in site
characteristics within the forest, a mosaic of small patches containing different
species and age classes has developed. It is unclear whether current process models
are able to produce reliable results for forests with such complex structure.
Furthermore, carbon sequestration includes wood products as sinks and replace-
ment issues such as substitution of fossil fuel by fuelwood (Schlamadinger et al.,
1997) or substitution of wood for more energy-intensive materials such as steel or
concrete. Also, the impact of yield quality and durability of the wood products on
total carbon sequestration is often ignored although it can be of great importance
(Marland and Schlamadinger, 1995).
Besides an adequate simulation of the present status and productivity of a forest,
a main goal of many modelling ef
forts is to predict the effects of changes in climate
(global climate change) and management over time. More recently, forest manage-
ment models seek to maximize more than just yield or carbon sequestration. Other
functions, such as biological conservation, recreation and sustainability in general,
have become important management objectives in many forests, especially in densely