11Amaro Forests - Chap 09 1/8/03 11:52 am Page 109
109 GLOBTREE: an Individual Tree Growth Model
1. For the first stage of stand development defined by values of mean crown ratio
>0.69, the use of the combined model is suggested:
1 51267 – 0 35122 × APA
0 05780 × PDU –. .
t 2
= ipot ×
2.85858 −1.11309 × RBM − 31.21862 ×100/N − 1.79650×cr
× e
1– e
+ d
2. For the second stage of stand development defined by values of mean crown
ratio ≤0.69, the results were indifferent as to the choice between using the distance-
independent (A) or the distance-dependent (B) functions:
1 32943 .
1 62516
t 2
= ipot
t 1
+ d
. −0.14559−0.30165× APA
t 2
= ipot × e
−0 05851 × PDU
1– e
+ d
The probability of a tree surviving, defined for an annual period, is given by:
2.2735 − 0.0469G + 1.5340 RBM + 0.2841 d
() =
2.2735 – 0.0469G + 1.5340 RBM + 0.2841 d
where the symbols are as defined above.
A cut-off value of 0.85 was selected: trees with a probability of survival less or
greater than 0.85 were considered as dead or living, respectively.
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