16Amaro Forests - Chap 14 25/7/03 11:06 am Page 164
164 R.A. Fleming and T.R. Burns
The 97 observations used in this chapter were made on open-grown, untreated
(i.e. ‘control’) Scots pines in August 1991, at the end of the growing season that year.
The data consist of branch lengths and corr
esponding foliage biomasses for
branches which had experienced 1–10 full growing seasons (i.e. ages A = 1–10).
These data were supplemented by observations taken in June 1991, before the 1991
growing season, on branches initiated in 1990. These supplementary observations
provide information on new branches (age A = 0) but their use requires the assump-
tion that foliage losses from these new branches were minimal in the winter of
Fitting the allometric-Weibull model, Equation 6, after log-transformation, to all 97
observations resulted in
SEE = 0.343 and a pseudo r
(Ralston, 1992) of 92.4%. The
estimates of the statistically significant parameters, their
SEs (standard errors) and
their P values were w
= 0.0799 (SE = 0.0246, P = 0.0016), c
= 0.279 (SE = 0.1060, P =
0.01), c
= 0.237 (SE = 0.0327, P < 0.0001), u = 1.57 (SE = 0.226, P < 0.0001) and v =
0.312 (
SE = 0.0638, P < 0.0001). According to these results, foliage biomass is pre-
dicted to increase allometrically with branch length on branches of all ages and the
rate of this allometric increase depends on branch age (Fleming, 2001; Fig. 14.3). It is
slow on old branches, presumably because of high foliage losses. It is also slow on
very young branches, presumably because such branches have had little time to
develop extensive networks of lower order side branches which provide much addi-
tional surface for growing foliage (Långström et al., 1998). The youngest branches
also occupy some of the most exposed parts of the crown where their foliage may be
especially vulnerable to mortality from freezing rain or high winds. The low foliar
biomass on very short branches may be because these branches are very young, are
shaded by overhanging branches or were broken off before the data were collected,
and much foliage was lost when this happened.
To gauge the adequacy of Equation 7, a predicted arithmetic mean was calcu-
lated using the values of
A and L corresponding to each observation. The r
(i.e. the square of the Pearson correlation coefficient between the observations) and
these pr
edictions was 85.4%. The 97 paired differences were not normally distrib-
uted (P < 0.0005) and the variances of the distributions of observations and predic-
tions differed little (P = 0.909), so the Mann–Whitney test was applied to reveal bias.
The high P value (0.810) of this test is consistent with the practical absence of statis-
tically significant bias. The solid curve in Fig. 14.2 shows the allometric growth pre-
dicted by fixing A at its average, 4.12 growing seasons, and substituting the
estimated parameter values into Equation 7.
Extrapolation reliability
In fitting both the second- (Equation 1) and third-order polynomial expansions of
allometric gr
owth to the 77 shortest branches, six parameters were statistically sig-
nificant, and hence were retained. Only parameters w
, c
, u and v were retained in
fitting the allometric-Weibull model. Characteristics (
SEE, r
) of fitting log-transfor-
mations of these models were: second-order polynomial (Equation 1) (0.349 g,
91.8%), third-order polynomial (0.340 g, 92.2%) and allometric-Weibull model (0.374
g, 90.3%). Table 14.1 gives the results of comparing extrapolations of these fits to the
20 longest branches.