The widespread popularity of MS Windows as a graphic user interface
has provided a platform for many software suppliers to offer efficient
software solutions – also in the field of process visualization, which pro-
vides users with an ergonomically configured representation of produc-
tion sequences. Through integration in MS windows, communication
is possible with other Windows applications via the “dynamic data
exchange (DDE)” interface. Drivers for the relevant PLC systems are
required for communication between the process visualization system
and the “programmable logic controller (PLC)”.
Line operating and information system
The line operating and information system (ABI-Plus) is a modular,
open-ended and flexible software system designed to address present
and future press automation requirements. ABI-Plus helps reduce
machine and production line standstill periods, and so contributes
towards improved productivity as well as greater flexibility.
Process visualization
For ABI-Plus, a standard commercially available process visualization
system was selected as the core of the overall system. The operator is
able to monitor and control the process either interactively or auto-
matically through the control system. The man-machine interface pro-
vides an optical representation of the machine status with the aid of
dynamic graphics and real images (Fig.4.6.35).
Intervention in the process is possible using the softkeys. The user is
guided through the various operating modes such as set-up, automatic
continuous operation or die change on a step-by-step basis. The process
parameters are entered using an alphanumeric keypad and feasibility
tested by the program.
If a machine error occurs, the relevant error message with date and
time is superimposed on the screen mask currently being used. The
operator is able to access the troubleshooting module in order to local-
ize the fault and remedy it if necessary. The need of a machine mainte-
nance interval is also indicated to the operator by means of a flashing
maintenance symbol.
Tool data management
Another module of the ABI-Plus is a comprehensive tool data manage-
ment system which allows all die-specific data and machine settings to
Sheet metal forming and blanking
Metal Forming Handbook / Schuler (c) Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1998