However, the casting technician can only alloy and cool within restrict-
ed limits, as elongation drops with increasing hardness. Due to this type
of metallurgical-technological operation, and because of their geometri-
cal shape, castings such as eccentric wheels are inevitably exposed to
high degrees of residual stress. As a result, stress relief annealing at 560 to
580 °C is an absolute necessity.
In the foundry, quality standards must be assured in order to avert the
risk of cracks and fractures in the castings. The marked tendency of the
material to form scale substantially impedes the production of compo-
nents made of GGG-70. The porosity risk therefore is addressed by feed-
ing and selective solidification. All components, naturally including also
large parts for press drive systems, are subject to highly stringent quality
controls, including ultrasound, X-ray, crack detection and hardness test-
ing, as well as testing of mechanical values using test-bar specimen, cast
together with produced component.
Fundamentals of press design
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