standard, the manufacturer can fulfill the health and safety standards
using alternative methods. In contrast, however, failure to comply with
the ECMD will result in prosecution of the manufacturer, withdrawal of
the product from the European market and decommissioning of the
hazardous press.
EN standards are classified under three categories, each with its own
function and purpose. General guidelines and safety targets are set
down in so-called A standards. B standards impose requirements on cer-
tain facilities, for example safety equipment used for different types of
machines. C standards define machine categories and the requirements
imposed on these. For a given machine category, the C standards lay
down the way in which risks are likely to occur and how they should be
evaluated and safeguarded against. Due to the generality with which
machines are grouped to create machine categories – the mechanical
press category, for example, ranges from the notching machine to the
large-panel transfer press – it can, in certain cases, be expedient to devi-
ate from the standard while still complying with the requirements of
the ECMD.
As documentary evidence of compliance with health and safety
requirements, the machine manufacturer issues the owner with a Cer-
tificate of Conformity (Fig.3.6.2)according to annex II A, and attaches
the CE mark to the machine. No machine has been commissioned in
the EEC without a Declaration of Conformity or CE mark since January
1, 1995.
The ECMD differentiates between independently working machines
and machines intended for installation as part of an overall production
line. A production line comprised of several components constitutes a
machine which has only one CE mark and only one declaration of
conformity. For all production line components which are incapable of
operating independently, the subcontractor issues a manufacturer’s
declaration in compliance with annex II B. Under certain circum-
stances, component machines of this type do not permit safeguarding
unless integrated in the overall line. An individual destacker without
the press, for instance, permits free access to hazardous movements and
is thus incapable of complying with the ECMD. The party responsible
for the overall line, whose function it is to issue the declaration of con-
formity, must therefore ensure that the manufacturer of the compo-
Fundamentals of press design
Metal Forming Handbook / Schuler (c) Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1998