where ∆df is the difference in the number of parameters estimated between the Cragg
and tobit models. If this result is significant, the Cragg model is to be preferred. An
example is given below.
Simulated Data Example
As was the case with the truncated regression reported above for the simulated data,
the underlying model is Y*⫽⫺3.859 ⫹ 1.5X ⫹ ε. The last two columns of Table 9.1
show the results of estimating the underlying model using OLS on all of the obser-
vations, compared to using the tobit model. (The tobit model was estimated using
PROC LIFEREG in SAS.) As is evident, the OLS estimates are all too low, whereas
the tobit estimates, like those for the truncated regession model, are close to the true
parameter values. We can apply the McDonald–Moffitt decomposition to partition
the effect of X into its effect on the probability of being uncensored and its effect on
the conditional mean of the positive responses. For these data, x
⫽ 3.024, so z
[⫺ 3.717 ⫹ 1.465(3.024)]/2.018 ⫽ .353. Now φ(.353) ⫽ .375, whereas Φ(.353) ⫽ .638.
Hence, λ(.353) ⫽ .375/.638 ⫽ .588. The proportion of X’s effect that is due to its
effect on the conditional mean of the positive Y’s is, therefore, 1 ⫺ .353(.588) ⫺
⫽ .447. So about 45% of X’s effect is due to its impact on the conditional mean,
while 55% is due to its impact on the probability of being uncensored. Finally, the
OLS estimate of P
is also an underestimate of the parameter. Laitila’s pseudo-R
the other hand, at .478, is fairly close to the true value of .496.
In this particular case, because the data were truly generated by the tobit model,
the Cragg specification should be no improvement over tobit. Or, to put it differently,
the tobit model should fit no worse than the Cragg model. Minus twice the log-like-
lihood for the tobit model is 3018.49, while ⫺2 ln L for the probit model of whether
a case is uncensored is 974.923, and ⫺2 ln L for the truncated regression model
(shown in the column “MLE: truncated sample” in Table 9.1) is 2043.234. The test sta-
tistic is therefore a chi-squared variate equal to 3018.49 ⫺ (974.923 ⫹ 2043.234) ⫽
.333. The degrees of freedom for the test are figured as follows. We estimate two
parameters for the probit model (intercept and slope) and three parameters for the
truncated regression model (intercept, slope, and σ), whereas we estimate just three
parameters in tobit (intercept, slope, and σ). The difference in parameters estimated
is 5 ⫺ 3 ⫽ 2. As a χ
equal to .333 with 2 df is quite insignificant, the hypothesis that
/σ would not, in this case, be rejected—a correct decision.
Applications of the Tobit Model
Two response variables that can exhibit considerable censoring are depressive sympto-
matology and the severity of physical assaults. In both cases, paper-and-pencil measures
may simply not be sensitive enough to capture scores at the lower end of the construct.
Therefore, both variables will typically exhibit a large number of zero scores.
Depressive Symptomatology. Table 9.3 presents the results of regressing depressive
symptomatology—tapped by the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale