Ogg’s pairs
1.4 Ogg’s pairs
The London equation successfully explained the Meissner–Ochsenfeld effect but
could not, of course, explain superconductivity, as electrons do not obey Bose
statistics. In 1946 Richard Ogg Jr [6] proposed that the London ‘bosonization’ of
electrons could be realized due to their pairing. If two electrons are chemically
coupled together, the resulting combination is a boson with the total spin S = 0
or 1. Ogg suggested that an ensemble of such two-electron entities could, in
principle, form a superconducting Bose–Einstein condensate. The idea was
motivated by his demonstration that electron pairs were a stable constituent of
fairly dilute solutions of alkali metals in liquid ammonia. Sufficiently rapid
cooling of the solutions to temperatures in the range from −90 to −180
resulted in the production of homogeneous deep-blue solids. All of the solid
samples proved to be good electrical conductors. No abnormal resistance
change accompanying solidification was observed, except for solutions in the
concentration range characterized by the phase separation into two dilute liquid
phases at sufficiently low temperatures. Extremely rapid freezing of such
solutions caused an enormous decrease in measured resistance. The resistance
of the liquid sample at −33
, while that of the solid at −95
was only 16 . Ogg argued that even such a small residual resistance was
due to faulty contact with platinum electrodes, and the solution in the special
concentration range was actually a high-temperature superconductor up to its
melting point of the order of 190 K. Other experimental studies showed the solute
to be diamagnetic in the concentration range characterized by liquid–liquid phase
separation. This suggested the electron constituent to be almost exclusively in
the electron pair configuration. In a more dilute phase, the electrons were still
predominantly paired according to Ogg but their Bose–Einstein condensation
temperature was low enough due to a low concentration. In a more concentrated
phase, the electron pairs became unstable, and one had essentially a liquid
metal with a small temperature-independent Pauli paramagnetism (appendix B).
By extremely rapid cooling, it appeared that the liquid–liquid phase separation
was prevented, and that the system became frozen into the superconducting
Bose–Einstein condensate. Ogg proposed that his model could also explain the
previously observed superconductivity of quasi-metallic alloys and compounds.
While independent experiments in metal-ammonia solutions did not confirm
Ogg’s claim, his idea of real-space electron pairing was further developed as a
natural explanation of superconductivity by Schafroth, Butler and Blatt [7, 8].
However, with one or two exceptions, the Ogg–Schafroth picture was condemned
and practically forgotten because it neither accounted quantitatively for the critical
parameters of the ‘old’ (i.e. low-T
) superconductors nor did it explain the
microscopic nature of the attractive force which could overcome the natural
Coulomb repulsion between two electrons, which constitute the Bose pair. The
microscopic BCS theory showed that in a small interval round the Fermi energy,
electrons are paired in the momentum space rather than in the real space. The