. While the Ogg–Schafroth phenomenology led to unrealistically high values
of T
, the BCS theory left perhaps only a limited hope for the discovery of new
materials which could be superconducting at room temperatures or, at least, at
liquid nitrogen temperatures.
It is now clear that the Ogg–Schafroth and BCS descriptions are actually
two opposite extremes of the same problem of electron–phonon interaction. By
extending the BCS theory towards the strong interaction between electrons and
ion vibrations, a Bose liquid of tightly bound electron pairs surrounded by the
lattice deformation (i.e. of so-called small bipolarons) was naturally predicted
[10]. Further prediction was that high temperature superconductivity could exist
in the crossover region of the electron–lattice interaction strength from the BCS-
like to bipolaronic superconductivity [11, 12]. Compared with the early Ogg–
Schafroth view, two fermions (now polarons) are bound into a bipolaron by
lattice deformation. Such bipolaronic states are ‘dressed’ by the same lattice
deformation [13] and, at first sight, they have a mass too large to be mobile.
In fact, earlier studies [14, 15] considered small bipolarons as entirely localized
objects. However, it has been shown later that small bipolarons are itinerant
quasi-particles existing in the Bloch states at temperatures below the characteristic
phonon frequency (chapter 4). As a result, the superconducting critical
temperature, being proportional to the inverse mass of a bipolaron, was reduced
in comparison with an ‘ultra-hot’ local-pair Ogg–Schafroth superconductivity but
turned out to be much higher than the BCS theory prediction. Quite remarkably
Bednorz and M¨uller noted in their original publication, and subsequently in
their Nobel Prize lecture [16], that in their ground-breaking search for high-T
superconductivity, they were stimulated and guided by the polaron model. Their
expectation [16] was that if ‘an electron and a surrounding lattice distortion
with a high effective mass can travel through the lattice as a whole, and a
strong electron–lattice coupling exists an insulator could be turned into a high
temperature superconductor’.
The book naturally divides into two parts. Part 1 describes the
phenomenology of superconductivity, the microscopic BCS theory and its
extension to the intermediate-coupling regime at a fairly basic level. Chapters 1–
3 of this part are generally accepted themes in the conventional theory of
superconductivity. Chapter 4 describes what happens to the conventional theory
when the electron–phonon coupling becomes strong. Part 2 describes key
physical properties of high-temperature superconductors. Chapters 5–8 also
present the author’s particular view of cuprates, which is not yet generally
In the course of writing the book I have profited from valuable and
stimulating discussions with P W Anderson, A F Andreev, A R Bishop,
J T Devreese, P P Edwards, L P Gor’kov, Yu A Firsov, J E Hirsch, V V Kabanov,
P E Kornilovitch, A P Levanyuk, W Y Liang, D Mihailovic, K A M¨uller,
J R Schrieffer, S A Trugman, G M Zhao and V N Zavaritsky. Part of the
writing was done while I was on leave, from Loughborough University, as visiting