1) Portuguese verbs of the subjunctive mood express what is felt, or what is uncertain,
doubtful, unspecific, indefinite, negated, speculative, hypothetical, or conditional;
unlike the indicative, the subjunctive does not express actions or states of being that are
considered real, factual, or true.
2) English often uses "may" / "might" to express the uncertainty, doubt, and speculation
conveyed by the Portuguese subjunctive.
Era possível que ele saísse.
3) Subjunctive verbs are not usually main verbs; rather, they are used in subordinate clauses.
Eu quero que o gato durma.
a) In "indirect" commands, the main clause is implied, not stated.
b) The subject of a subordinate noun or adjective clause is not usually the subject of
the main clause; if the subject of both verbs is the same, an impersonal infinitive is
used instead of a clause.
Eu quero um gato que durma muito.
Eu quero que o gato durma.
c) A subordinate adverb clause and a main clause may share the same subject.
Nós estudaremos logo que (nós) chegarmos.
Although the subjunctive has all but disappeared in colloquial English, it is still used in formal
English after a singular subject to express what is considered contrary to fact
("[as] if he were a king"), and after a few
(It is urgent that he go.)
(We prefer / demand / insist / ask / request that he go.)
(We will stay provided (that) he go.)
Since both the subjunctive and the indicative are used in subordinate clauses, English speakers
may find it difficult to choose the correct mood; this choice depends on various factors, which are
analyzed on pp. 197–209.