Lecture example 2
Exam standard question
Match the following staff/rules to Mintzberg's technostructure:
(a) Manager of a retail outlet supervising 40 staff.
(b) A salesman responsible for twenty corporate accounts.
(c) The owner of a start-up internet company employing two staff.
(d) The HR department which provides support to business managers.
(e) The IT department seeking to standardise internal systems.
3 Structural forms for organisations
Scalar chain and span of control
3.1 As organisations grow in size and scope, different organisational structures may be suitable.
3.2 The Scalar chain and Span of control determine the basic shape. The scalar chain relates
to levels in the organisation, and the span of control the number of employees managed.
3.3 Tall organisations have a:
(a) Long scalar chain (via layers of management)
(b) Hierarchy
(c) Narrow span of control.
3.4 Flat organisations have a:
(a) Short scalar chain (less layers)
(b) Wide span of control.