Chapter 6: Accounting for overheads
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A situation may arise where both service departments do work for the other service
department, as well as the production departments. When this happens, the process
of apportioning service centre costs is more lengthy – possibly too lengthy for an
examination question. Even so, it is useful to be aware of how to deal with a
situation where each of two service departments does some work for the other
service department.
In this type of situation, reciprocal apportionment can be done in either of two
ways. Both give the same result:
repeated distribution method
simultaneous equations method.
The repeated distribution method is probably easier, but takes a bit longer. The
simultaneous equations method is quicker, but it is important to get the arithmetic
With the repeated distribution method, you should take each service department in
turn. It does not matter which service department you take first. (However, you will
probably complete the calculations more quickly if you start by selecting the service
department that does the least amount of its work for the other service department.)
Taking each service department in turn, you should apportion all the allocated and
apportioned overheads of the service department. The overheads should be
apportioned to the other service department as well as to the production departments.
When you apportion the costs of each service department you will be apportioning
some of the overhead costs apportioned from other service department(s).
When you have apportioned the costs of each service department once, repeat the
process again. Keep on repeating the process until all the overheads have been
apportioned to the production departments only, and the overheads of each service
department are 0.
The repetitive nature of the overhead apportionment process explains the name of
the technique – ‘repeated distribution’.
A manufacturing company has two production departments, Machining and
Assembly, and two service departments, Repairs and Quality Control. The following
information is available.
Allocated/apportioned overhead costs $60,000 $25,000 $20,000 $7,000 $8,000
Work done by the service departments:
Repairs 100%
10% - 30%
Quality Control
50% 20% -