Paper F2: Management accounting
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Inventory valuation is an important feature of absorption costing, because the cost
of production in any period depends partly on the valuation of opening and closing
inventory, including work-in-progress and finished goods inventory.
In some costing systems, a share of administration overhead and selling and
distribution overhead might be added to the full production cost, to obtain a full
cost of sale. However, it is not common practice to calculate a full cost of sale,
because it has only limited value as management information.
1.4 The purpose of absorption costing
There are several reasons why absorption costing is sometimes used, and
production overhead costs are added to direct costs to calculate the full production
cost of products (or services).
There is a view that inventory should include a fair share of production
overhead cost. This view is applied in financial accounting and financial
reporting. It can therefore be argued that inventory should be valued in a similar
way in the cost accounting system. (However, inventory valuations may differ
between the cost accounts and the financial accounts.)
There is also a view that in order to assess the profitability of products or
services, it is appropriate to charge products and services with a fair share of
overhead costs. Unless products contribute sufficiently to covering indirect costs,
its ‘profitability’ might be too low, and the business as a whole might not be
Criticisms of absorption costing
There are criticisms of absorption costing. The main criticisms are as follows:
Absorption costing does not provide reliable information about profitability.
Methods of charging overhead costs to products, as we shall see, are not
‘scientific’, and rely on fairly arbitrary assumptions.
There are better methods of measuring profitability, such as marginal costing.
There are also better ways of providing cost information to help managers make
decisions (relevant costs). Marginal costing and relevant costs are explained in
later chapters.
When absorption costing was first used in manufacturing, well over 100 years ago,
total overhead costs were fairly small compared with direct costs. Manufacturing
was labour-intensive, and direct labour costs were a significant proportion of total
costs. Adding a share of overheads to product costs, usually in proportion to the
cost of direct labour or direct labour time, was therefore a reasonable method of
dealing with overhead costs.
In a modern manufacturing environment, however, direct labour is a fairly small
proportion of total costs. Most work in production now consists of the ‘support’
activities of indirect labour employees, and the cost of this labour is an overhead
cost. Overhead costs are high compared to direct labour costs. As a consequence, it
is often argued that a costing system should use a different approach to overhead
costing, and try to present overhead costs in a way that is more useful to